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Here are some tools to help you get your word list into the right format:
File Name Link
CountUniqueCharacters.exe Download
MergeFiles.exe Download
TextFormatter.dll Download
TranscriptionChecker.exe Download
You need to save TextFormatter.dll in the same folder as TranscriptionChecker.exe. The others are independent programs.

Mac and Linux instructions

Just as you need the Java Runtime Environment to run Java programs, or the Python interpreter for Python, you will need the .NET framework to run these executables. Windows computers come with the .NET framework. For Mac and Linux users, you will need to install Mono, which you can download here.

How to use them

Open a command prompt. Navigate to the folder containing the executable. Run the program with
for help.

List segments

TranscriptionChecker.exe -all
This command prints out a list of all IPA segments (with diacritics) known to Nidaba. Many command prompts struggle to display Unicode symbols though, so it is better to use
TranscriptionChecker.exe -all [path/to/file]
This command prints the list out to the specified file.

Check transcription

TranscriptionChecker.exe [path/to/wordlist] [path/to/conversion] [columns-in] [columns-out]
Before uploading a word list and transcription conversion, it is best to check that you don't have any typos or stray punctuation. Run this command, inputting your word list and conversion, and it will report any errors.

[columns-in] must minimally contain 't', i.e. a transcription column. The words in this column are converted to IPA symbols using your transcription conversion.
'o' (orthography) may be missing.
'f' (frequency) may be missing. If present, all values will be checked, and any non-decimals will be reported.

[columns-out] can be any subset of [columns-in] in any order.

The columns are assumed to be separated by a comma. If not, you can specify it as the 5th argument:
TranscriptionChecker.exe [path/to/wordlist] [path/to/conversion] [columns-in] [columns-out] [separator]
The separator must be the same for both the word list and the transcription conversion.

Re-order columns

TranscriptionChecker.exe [path/to/file] -none [columns-in] [columns-out]
This command reorders data in the input file, where there are up to 3 columns. The columns are named "o","f" and "t". E.g.
TranscriptionChecker.exe ../test/file.txt -none oft otf
The columns are assumed to be separated by a comma. If not, you can specify it as the 5th argument:
TranscriptionChecker.exe [path/to/file] -none [columns-in] [columns-out] [separator]

Merge files

Input the filepath and column names of the two files you want to merge, the output filepath and desired output columns, and the column separator, if it is not a comma. Separate column names with a comma.
If any of the output columns are optional, then type a question mark after it.
Merge.exe [file1] [file1 column names] [file2] [file2 column names] [output file] [output columns] [separator]
Merge.exe ../file1.txt transcription,orthography,gloss ../file2.txt orthography,frequency ../output.txt transcription,frequency,orthography?