Beta version

Republishing data

All the data in this database has been made available with the permission of its authors. If you wish to republish any of it, please check their terms first.

Several of the data sets are publicly available for download; these have URLs listed.

Copyright notices

Content from Ó Dónaill's 1977 Irish-English dictionary is made available here by kind permission of Foras na Gaeilge.

Bert Remijsen's Matbat data is from, and is available under Creative Commons attribution licence (CC BY 4.0). I have only included single words, not items which appeared to be bound morphemes or phrases.


If you would like to host a version of this website locally, e.g. because you do not have reliable internet access, then I can make the code available to you. Please contact me at


It is written in C#, using .NET 4.5, MVC 5.2 and Entity Framework 6. You will need installed on your machine a web server, a database, and a framework to run the C# code.

OSFrameworkServer softwareDatabase
Windows.NET (built-in)IIS (built-in)ASP.NET (built-in)MS-SQL Server Express or MySQL