Beta version

Words which have sequences matching Remijsen 2015 (Matbat) word final vowels

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
ba ba 0.00 1. with preposition
ba ba1 0.00 to leave behind; to remain; to be left verb (cl. ii; intr.; tr.)
ba ba21 0.00 to flow verb (cl. ii)
bata ba21ta 0.00 door noun
ba ba3 0.00 great-grandfather; great-grandmother noun
ba ba41 0.00 to blow verb (cl. ii)
ba ba41 0.00 to hit the mark verb (cl.ii; tr. & middle)
beta beta21 0.00 future tense marker
biɡa bi3ga21 0.00 Biga place name
bla bla41 0.00 fast attr
da da121 0.00 (also mda121; da121d) ripe attr
da da21 0.00 to close verb
da da41 0.00 to dig up; turn over; to prepare/process (sago) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
diha di41ha 0.00 one number
fa fa21 0.00 smell noun
fa fa21 0.00 (inal. fa3Å‹; fa3m; fa3n) husband noun
fa fa21 0.00 to smell verb (cl. ii; intr.)
fa fa41 0.00 chalk . noun
fa fa41 0.00 ray noun
É¡a ga21 0.00 then conjunction
É¡ata gata3 0.00 small bowl noun
ha ha21 0.00 like; as conj.
ha ha21 0.00 (noun classes I. ‘Animate’ and II. ‘House&Boat’) noun class marker
ha ha21 0.00 one pronoun
ha ha3 0.00 to go up verb (cl. iv s/h; tr./intr.)
hajwa ha3ywa1 0.00 poison; medicine; antidote noun
ina ina 0.00 marks end of clausal argument
ina ina12 0.00 utterance-final question-word question marker
ina ina41 0.00 widow noun
kapna kapna41 0.00 k.o. ant noun
kata kata1 0.00 spoon noun
kata kata3 0.00 catapult noun
la la121 0.00 day; sun noun
la la21 0.00 where to question-marking particle
laha la21ha 0.00 see under sawi12
lawa la21wa 0.00 a short while; briefly adverb
ma ma 0.00 conjoins multiples of then with units in numerals
ma ma1 0.00 to yawn verb (cl. ii; intr.)
ma ma12 0.00 1. cooked attr
ma ma12 0.00 ‘Be careful’ interjection
mata ma21ta 0.00 (inal. ma21Å‹a / ma21ma / ma21na) arm + hand noun
ma ma41 0.00 road; path noun
mɛja mɛ1ya3 0.00 table noun
na na1 0.00 rain noun
na na12 0.00 see under mna12
na na3 0.00 don’t … prohibiton marker
na na41 0.00 1. moon 2. month noun
nata nata41 0.00 ahead adverb
nɛnha nɛ41nha 0.00 1. others pronoun
Å‹a Å‹a12 0.00 to cry verb (cl. ii; intr.)
Å‹a Å‹a21 0.00 (inal. Å‹a3Å‹; Å‹a3m; Å‹a3n) voice noun
pa pa 0.00 subj.
pa pa121 0.00 tall attr
pata pata21 0.00 (inal. kɔ3nta21/pɔ3ŋta21; pɔ3mta21; tɔ3nta21/pɔ3nta21) tooth; mouth noun
pla pla12 0.00 warm; hot attr
pla pla21 0.00 to heat verb (cl. ii; tr. causative derived from attr.)
punha pu3nha 0.00 some; a few quant.
sa sa12 0.00 sea water noun
sabɛmta sabɛ121mta21 0.00 (inal. si3ŋbɛ121mta21; si3mbɛ121mta21; si3nbɛ21mta21) chest; breast noun
sabɛmta sabɛ121mta21 0.00 in front of postposition
safa safa21 0.00 (inal. sa3Å‹fa21; sa3mfa21; sa3nfa21) thigh; upper leg noun
sakola sako3la3 0.00 school noun
sakola sako3la3 0.00 to have a school education verb (cl. ii; intr.)
saksa saksa12 0.00 difficult attr
sanaŋa sana1ŋa3 0.00 to fry; to be fried verb (cl. ii; tr. & middle)
satɛta satɛ121ta 0.00 forehead noun
ta ta 0.00 (class V ‘Sagobiscuit’) noun class marker
ta ta 0.00 for preposition
ta ta 0.00 that; which relative pronoun
ta ta21 0.00 1. front side of postposition
weta we21ta 0.00 1. (inal. wɛ21ŋa; wɛ21ma; wɛ21na) leg 2. ~ po ba3t foot noun
witna wi1tna41 0.00 palm cockatoo noun
ja ya21 0.00 1. trunk of tree 2. 3. ha21po ~ penis excl. glans noun
jɔfa yɔ21fa12 0.00 man noun
bafi bafi3 0.00 to be careful verb (cl. ii)
balbuli balbu3li3 0.00 full; round only in na41 ~ full moon attr
bawi bawi 0.00 to steal verb (cl. iii; tr.)
bintuni bintu3ni3 0.00 see under sawi12
bli bli121 0.00 fishing rod noun
bomi bomi1 0.00 to urinate; to pee verb (cl. iii)
dadi dadi3 0.00 to hack; to cut verb (cl. ii; tr.)
di di121 0.00 to build a separation (wall) noun
di di41 0.00 sound; noise noun
fasendi fase1ndi3 0.00 big attr
fejdi fe121ydi 0.00 1. a bird’s wing 2. eyelid noun
fi fi3 0.00 good; healthy; beautiful; handsome; good-natured attr
fi fi3 0.00 to feel like modality marker
É¡opi gopi3 0.00 bellybutton noun
hɛldi hɛ3ldi21 0.00 wall noun
i i3 0.00 interjection
ili ili121 0.00 k.o. ant noun
kapi kapi121 0.00 k.o. ant noun
kursi ku3rsi3 0.00 chair noun
li li1 0.00 on one’s side adverb
li li21 0.00 marks spatial deixis
mari mari3 0.00 round cookie noun
mi mi3 0.00 urine noun
musti mu3sti3 0.00 probably; approximately adverb
ni ni12 0.00 sago biscuit noun
ni ni12 0.00 to laugh verb (cl. ii; intr.)
ni ni21 0.00 possesion marker
njaɡi nya1gi3 0.00 debt noun
pati pati21 0.00 pata21 ~ lip noun
peji pe21yi 0.00 still there; available; alive attr
pi pi41 0.00 bow ( weapon) noun
sanamdi sana3mdi 0.00 cheeck noun
sapansi sapa41nsi 0.00 ashes noun
sawi sawi12 0.00 southeast noun
si si3 0.00 excrement noun
sini si3ni3 0.00 Chinese attr
si si41 0.00 to go down verb (cl. ii; tr.)
ti ti21 0.00 pregnant verb
ti ti41 0.00 to be together with verb (cl. ii; tr.)
turi tu21ri 0.00 coastline; cliff noun
wɛldi wɛ21ldi 0.00 in su3 wɛ21ldi ‘nipple’ noun
wi wi41 0.00 k.o. wood / tree noun
wukdi wu21kdi 0.00 neck noun
ji yi12 0.00 to sail verb (cl. ii)
hi hi3 0.00 interjection of confirmation; yes interjection
ji yi41 0.00 non-salty water; river noun
bahe bahe3 0.00 all pronoun
baje baye3 0.00 (absolute reference) counterclockwise orientation adverb
be be21 0.00 for preposition
be be21 0.00 to give verb (cl. iii; tr.)
t͡ʃɛŋke cɛ1ŋke3 0.00 clovetree noun
de de121 0.00 to be in pain verb (intr.)
de de3 0.00 house; nest noun
de de41 0.00 the target is in the direct object position) 1. to throw (towards) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fe fe1 0.00 hut noun
fe fe3 0.00 k.o. mat noun
É¡e ge12 0.00 to peel verb (cl. ii; tr.)
he he3 0.00 already marker of completion
hɛlte hɛ3lte1 0.00 coastline; waterside noun
kare kare121 0.00 frizzy attr
le le3 0.00 to eclipse verb (cl. ii; intr.)
me me121 0.00 red In bata3n me121 ‘Misol’ (lit. the red land) attr
paje paye3 0.00 on top of postposition
pɔre pɔ121re 0.00 not yet marker
pe pe 0.00 marker of goal
sajde sa41yde 0.00 still marker
sape sape3 0.00 hat noun
sate sate21 0.00 1. piece 2. ga41n sate21 noun
se se1 0.00 broken (into pieces) verb (cl. ii; intr.)
se se121 0.00 1. drunken; drunk attr
te te 0.00 to; in order to conjunction
te te3 0.00 tea noun
wole wo41le 0.00 long ago adverb
wujte wu3yte 0.00 cliff noun
bawo bawo21 0.00 to run verb (cl. iii; intr.)
bo bo21 0.00 to go verb (cl. iii)
delo de41lo 0.00 top noun
do do21 0.00 1 marker
dono do41no 0.00 long ago adverb
flɛmpo flɛ121mpo 0.00 hiding place used in hunting noun
hapo ha21po 0.00 (inal. ha21Å‹po; ha21mpo; ha21npo) penis noun
hado hado 0.00 marker
hɔnpo hɔ41npo 0.00 waterfall noun
ho ho21 0.00 to rub verb (cl. ii tr.)
iko iko3 0.00 k.o. mollusc noun
ilapo ila1po 0.00 squash noun
ipo ipo121 0.00 bird noun
itepo ite41po 0.00 stirring stick noun
itisino itisi21no 0.00 metal bars noun
lo lo21 0.00 (inal. lɔ3ŋ; lɔ3m; lɔ3n) to want; emotional center verb / noun
lolbo lo3lbo12 0.00 king bird of paradise noun
mo mo1 0.00 current noun
mo mo21 0.00 (inal. mɔ12ŋ; mɔ12m; mɔ12n) father-in-law; son-in-law noun
nabimpo na41bi21mpo 0.00 Marbled Frogmouth and/or Papuan Frogmouth noun
no no21 0.00 (inal. nɔ3ŋ / nɔ3m / nɔ3n) brother; sibling noun
paro paro21 0.00 (also realized as poro21) marker
po po 0.00 because subj.
po po21 0.00 from preposition
sajlo sa41ylo 0.00 outside locational adverb
sabalo sabalo12 0.00 king bird of paradise noun
sado sado21 0.00 no longer particle
so so1 0.00 sour attr
tapo ta41po 0.00 k.o. arrow noun
tɛlo tɛ121lo 0.00 head noun
tuŋpo tu21ŋpo 0.00 low hill noun
wapo wa21po 0.00 root(s) noun
wajlo wa3ylo 0.00 in yi41 wa3ylo small stream attr
wɛlpo wɛ41lpo 0.00 fish hook noun
wo wo41 0.00 wind noun
wumpo wu21mpo 0.00 fato21y ~ labia majora noun
jo yo 0.00 yes interjection
bimbɔmpu bi3mbɔ121mpu 0.00 butterfly noun
bu bu121 0.00 k.o. tree noun
bu bu121 0.00 to embrace; to take hold of (somebody) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
du du3 0.00 1. hard (antonym of soft) 2. physically straining attr
du du3 0.00 to push verb (cl. ii)
duku du3ku3 0.00 to mourn; to be sad due to the loss of a dear one verb (cl. ii)
fatu fatu21 0.00 dizzy verb
faju fayu3 0.00 (inal. fa3Å‹u3; fa3mu3; fa3nu3) wife noun
fu fu21 0.00 to say verb (cl. ii; intr.)
É¡aloju galo1yu3 0.00 to be greedy verb (cl. ii; intr.)
hu hu41 0.00 bamboo bark noun
ifu ifu41 0.00 1. Fruit Dove noun
ihu ihu41 0.00 parasite worm noun
imoju imo12yu3 0.00 (inal. imɔ12ŋu3; imɔ12mu3; imɔ12nu3) mother-in-law; daughter-in-law noun
kadu kadu12 0.00 wave noun
kapu kapu12 0.00 loincloth noun
lampu la1mpu3 0.00 lamp noun
lu lu41 0.00 room noun
mɔju mɔyu1 0.00 (inal. mɔ3ŋyu1 / mɔ3myu1 / mɔ3nyu1 ) to sleep verb
mobu mobu3 0.00 k.o. mollusc noun
muru mu3ru3 0.00 1. cheap 2. easy attr
musu mu3su3 0.00 conflict; war noun
nisu ni21su 0.00 (inal. ni3Å‹su / ni3msu / ni3nsu) body noun
noju noyu3 0.00 (inal. nɔ3ŋu3 / nɔ3mu3 / nɔ3nu3) sister noun
nu nu1 0.00 coconut tree noun
nu nu12 0.00 to smell verb (cl. ii; intr.)
nu nu3 0.00 place; village noun
paju payu41 0.00 nuts and legumes noun
sabu sabu21 0.00 (inal. sabu12Å‹; sabu12m; sabu12n) grandchild noun
sadu sadu21 0.00 to push slightly verb (cl. ii)
samjɔjpu samyɔ41ypu 0.00 ashes noun
su su21 0.00 1. to retreat; to move back; to dunk verb (cl. ii)
su su3 0.00 1. breast 2. breastmilk noun
susu su3su3 0.00 hard; difficult adverb
su su41 0.00 folded piece of bamboo used to handle sago porridge noun
tu tu 0.00 to peel verb (cl. ii; tr.)
tu tu121 0.00 thunder noun
tu tu41 0.00 grass; weed noun
waju wayu3 0.00 woman noun
wu wu41 0.00 rainbow noun
ju yu1 0.00 1. to stand up 2. to cause to stand up verb (cl. ii)
ju yu41 0.00 machete; chopper noun
ju yu41 0.00 destroyed verb (cl. ii intr.)
jusu yu41su 0.00 knife noun
iwɔ iwɔ41 0.00 k.o. plant noun
pahɔ pahɔ12 0.00 what; how question word
pɔ pɔ31 0.00 from where question word
tɔ tɔ12 0.00 many number
tɔ tɔ12 0.00 to hack; to chop verb (cl. ii; tr.)
kamlɛ kamlɛ12 0.00 to wash one’s face verb (cl. ii)
kawɛ kawɛ12 0.00 k.o. leech noun
pɛ pɛ12 0.00 to stab; to peck (at) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
plɛ plɛ12 0.00 to be funny verb (cl. ii; intr.)
sɛ sɛ1 0.00 interjection
tɛ tɛ12 0.00 iron noun
malaria malari3a3 0.00 malaria noun