Beta version

Words with œypt from Dutch Subtlex CELEX (DISC) superheavy rhymes

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
kɹœypt kruipt 5.17
slœypt sluipt 1.53
dɹœypt druipt 1.12
zœypt zuipt 43.00
bəslœypt besluipt 39.00
vəɹzœypt verzuipt 34.00
ɹɔntslœypt rondsluipt 12.00
bəkɹœypt bekruipt 10.00
wɛxslœypt wegsluipt 5.00
wɛxkɹœypt wegkruipt 4.00
bɪnəslœypt binnensluipt 4.00
ɪnslœypt insluipt 3.00
bəzœypt bezuipt 0.05
bədɹœypt bedruipt 0.05
ɑvdɹœypt afdruipt 0.05
ɔpkɹœypt opkruipt 0.02
ɪŋkɹœypt inkruipt 0.02