Beta version

Words with d from English 25k (DISC English) word final consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
fɹaɪtn̩d frightened 19.98
θɹɛtn̩d threatened 15.49
flætn̩d flattened 2.08
haɪtn̩d heightened 1.72
taɪtn̩d tightened 1.70
ʃɔːtn̩d shortened 1.50
ɪnlaɪtn̩d enlightened 1.22
stɹeɪtn̩d straightened 1.03
bɹaɪtn̩d brightened 0.82
dɪshɑːtn̩d disheartened 0.59
swiːtn̩d sweetened 0.58
bʌtn̩d buttoned 0.56
hɑːtn̩d heartened 0.48