Beta version

Words with ɔf from Lexique3 25k (Lexique3) vowel then consonant

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
ɔfʁ offre 51.81
kɔfʁ coffre 35.97
pʁɔf prof 30.36
ɔfʁ offre 30.23
pʁɔf profs 7.46
ɔfʁ offres 4.78
bɔf bof 4.70
ɔfʁ offres 4.32
ɔfʁ offrent 4.29
kɔfʁøfɔʁ coffre-fort 4.17
kɔfʁ coffres 3.38
ɔf off 3.27
kɔfʁ coffre 1.31
sɔfi sophie 1.23
lɔft loft 1.11