Beta version

Words with lk from Sylheti (SOAS 2016) (IPA) word medial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
xaɪlkʊɾ xaɪlkʊɾ 0.00 yesterday adjective morph-type=stem; definition=of yesterday; source=Tunga p.100
xaɪlkʊɾdin xaɪlkʊɾ din 0.00 yesterday/tomorrow adverb morph-type=phrase; definition=yesterday/tomorrow
xaɪlkʊ xaɪlkʊ 0.00 yesterday/tomorrow adverb morph-type=stem; definition=yesterday / tomorrow; bengali-orthography=কালকে; bengali-pronunciation=kalke
falki falki 0.00 casket noun morph-type=stem; definition=death casket for taking a body to the burial ground; source=Songs at the River's Edge p.63 & 147
salkʊmɽa sal kʊmɽa 0.00 gourd noun morph-type=phrase; definition='ash' gourd (calque from English 'ash'); source=