Beta version

Words with ɡʁ from Lexique3 25k (Lexique3) word final consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
nɛɡʁ nègre 11.26
tiɡʁ tigre 11.14
mɛɡʁ maigre 11.10
nɛɡʁ nègres 6.12
buɡʁ bougre 4.19
vinɛɡʁ vinaigre 2.91
tiɡʁ tigres 2.66
ɔɡʁ ogre 2.52
mɛɡʁ maigre 1.95
mɛɡʁ maigres 1.64
ɛ̃tɛɡʁ intègre 1.50
pɛɡʁ pègre 1.34
nɛɡʁ nègre 1.23
ɛ̃tɛɡʁ intègre 1.04