Beta version

Words with kʁ from Lexique3 25k (Lexique3) word final consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
sykʁ sucre 30.57
kõvɛ̃kʁ convaincre 28.43
vɛ̃kʁ vaincre 13.71
masakʁ massacre 11.71
ɑ̃kʁ encre 6.49
ɑ̃kʁ ancre 4.63
kõsakʁ consacre 2.94
masakʁ massacre 2.67
medjɔkʁ médiocre 2.59
masakʁ massacres 2.00
sykʁ sucres 1.44
fjakʁ fiacre 1.39
djakʁ diacre 0.84