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Words with ʁt from Lexique3 25k (Lexique3) word final consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
pɔʁt porte 288.39
ɛ̃pɔʁt importe 251.39
mɔʁt morte 112.36
sɔʁt sorte 98.33
kaʁt carte 96.11
pɔʁt porte 93.05
apɔʁt apporte 65.97
kaʁt cartes 48.84
pɔʁt portes 45.46
fɔʁt forte 42.42
pɛʁt perte 30.20
sypɔʁt supporte 29.14
paʁt parte 22.87
uvɛʁt ouverte 22.29
ʁapɔʁt rapporte 21.03
ɑ̃pɔʁt emporte 19.89
sɔʁt sortent 18.97
sɔʁt sorte 18.30
pɔʁt portes 17.94
apaʁt appart 17.48
uvɛʁt ouverte 16.67
sɔʁt sortes 16.41
mɔʁt morte 15.87
sɛʁt certes 14.88
vɛʁt verte 14.24
paʁt partent 14.19
kuʁt courte 14.07
alɛʁt alerte 12.66
pɔʁt portent 11.90
taʁt tarte 10.41
dekuvɛʁt découverte 9.25
mɔʁt morte 8.44
alɛʁt alerte 8.05
fɔʁt fortes 7.92
pɛʁt pertes 7.60
tiʃœʁt t-shirt 7.59
paʁt partes 7.50
kõpɔʁt comporte 7.05
ɛskɔʁt escorte 6.69
ekaʁt écarte 5.95
alɛʁt alerte 5.41
apɔʁt apportes 5.41
mɔʁt mortes 5.32
ofɛʁt offerte 5.08
kuvɛʁt couverte 4.77
mɔʁt mortes 4.38
vɛʁt vertes 4.29
sypɔʁt supportes 3.86
ʃɔʁt short 3.79
kuʁt courtes 3.63
tʁɑ̃spɔʁt transporte 3.56
dezɛʁt déserte 3.48
ɛkspɛʁt experte 3.45
dekuvɛʁt découverte 3.30
pɑ̃kaʁt pancarte 3.28
tiʃœʁt t-shirts 3.28
dekuvɛʁt découvertes 3.21
sɔʁt sortes 3.19
apɔʁt apportent 3.04
tiʃœʁt tee-shirt 2.94
uvɛʁt ouvertes 2.88
uvɛʁt ouvertes 2.88
jauʁt yaourt 2.87
taʁt tartes 2.62
kõpɔʁt comportes 2.20
ɛ̃pɔʁt importent 2.16
sypɔʁt supportent 2.14
ɑ̃pɔʁt emportes 2.01
flœʁt flirt 1.98
ʁapɔʁt rapportent 1.98
ʁɑ̃pɔʁt remporte 1.93
kuvɛʁt couvertes 1.77
ʁekõfɔʁt réconforte 1.73
ʁøpaʁt repartent 1.53
mɔʁt mortes 1.44
flœʁt flirte 1.42
ɑ̃pɔʁt emportent 1.30
kõpɔʁt comportent 1.26
miʁt myrte 1.25
alɛʁt alerte 1.24
aɔʁt aorte 1.16
œʁt heurte 1.15
taʁt tarte 1.11
ʁøpaʁt reparte 1.09
kuvɛʁt couverte 1.04
ʃaʁt charte 1.04
tuʁt tourte 1.03
dezɛʁt désertes 0.99
ʁapɔʁt rapportes 0.94
ofɛʁt offertes 0.93
dekuvɛʁt découverte 0.91
ʁøkuvɛʁt recouverte 0.90