Beta version

Words with ʁtʁ from Lexique3 25k (Lexique3) word medial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
pɔʁtʁɛ portrait 22.64
mœʁtʁije meurtrier 19.57
pɔʁtʁɛ portraits 3.09
mœʁtʁije meurtrier 2.88
mœʁtʁije meurtriers 2.48
mœʁtʁijɛʁ meurtrière 2.36
mœʁtʁijɛʁ meurtrière 1.83
aʁtʁit arthrite 1.75
mœʁtʁijɛʁ meurtrières 0.96
aʁtʁoz arthrose 0.86
mœʁtʁije meurtriers 0.86