Beta version

Words with st from Lexique3 25k (Lexique3) word initial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
stypid stupide 60.06
stɔp stop 44.36
stil style 31.08
staʁ star 28.91
stasjõ station 26.73
stydjo studio 20.95
staty statue 15.42
stilo stylo 15.34
stad stade 14.34
stypid stupides 11.70
staʁ stars 10.44
stabl stable 8.67
stɛk steak 8.15
stydjo studios 6.82
stɑ̃d stand 5.66
staty statut 5.66
steʁil stérile 5.59
stypid stupide 5.32
stope stopper 4.88
staʒ stage 4.87
statistik statistiques 4.59
stɔk stock 4.23
stɑ̃daʁ standard 4.17
staty statues 4.08
stasjõsɛʁvis station-service 3.95
stasjõ stations 2.98
stypidite stupidité 2.98
stɛk steaks 2.61
stɑ̃daʁ standard 2.52
steʁeo stéréo 2.47
stilo stylos 2.39
styp stups 2.26
stɔʁ stores 2.23
steʁoid stéro‹des 1.88
stabilite stabilité 1.81
stasjɔnømɑ̃ stationnement 1.79
staʒjɛʁ stagiaire 1.79
stypefjɑ̃ stupéfiant 1.77
stabilize stabiliser 1.65
stope stoppé 1.60
stimyl stimule 1.58
stɛp steppe 1.57
stypœʁ stupeur 1.57
stɛlɛʁ stellaire 1.55
stypefjɑ̃ stupéfiants 1.54
steʁil stériles 1.48
stimylɑ̃ stimulant 1.47
stimylɑ̃ stimulant 1.46
stimyle stimuler 1.45
stypid stupides 1.45
stɔk stocks 1.44
stypefɛ stupéfait 1.43
stabl stables 1.42
stɑ̃d stands 1.36
staf staff 1.36
stɔʁ store 1.35
stope stoppez 1.33
stokaʒ stockage 1.32
staʒ stages 1.28
stil styles 1.26
staz stase 1.23
stimylasjõ stimulation 1.23
stoke stocker 1.22
stɛp steppes 1.21
stabilize stabilisé 1.20
stilist styliste 1.17
stypefjɑ̃ stupéfiant 1.16
ston stone 1.11
steʁilite stérilité 1.09
stabiliz stabilise 1.02
stɑ̃diŋ standing 1.00
staʁtœʁ starter 1.00
stipyl stipule 0.98
stɛʁnɔm sternum 0.97
statykwo statu quo 0.94
ston stones 0.94
stɛʁliŋ sterling 0.93
statistikømɑ̃ statistiquement 0.91