Beta version

Words with bw from Lexique3 25k (Lexique3) word initial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
bwaʁ boire 142.15
bwa bois 115.56
bwat boîte 74.58
bwa bois 37.63
bwa boit 25.63
bwat boîtes 14.23
bwat boite 11.83
bwasõ boisson 11.73
bwasõ boissons 6.82
bwav boivent 5.47
bwaʁɛ boirai 3.13
bwaʁa boira 2.97
bwav boive 2.86
bwajo boyaux 2.67
bwaʁ boire 2.67
bwaʁɛ boirais 2.37
bwatø boiteux 2.32
bwajaʁ boyards 2.24
bwatø boiteux 2.02
bwajaʁ boyard 1.72
bwat boites 1.63
bwe bouée 1.30
bwaʁa boiras 1.14
bwaʁõ boirons 0.91
bwø boueux 0.89
bwaʁe boirez 0.84