Beta version

Words with ies from EsPal Castillian Subtitles (EsPal broad phonetic) superheavy rhymes

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
ries ríes 10.13 verb
komfies confíes 5.17 verb
sonries sonríes 3.81 verb
iɾakies iraquíes 2.48 noun
izraelies israelíes 2.31 noun
embies envíes 1.95 verb
ruβies rubíes 1.42 noun
manies maníes 1.08 noun
xaβalies jabalíes 1.00 noun
fies fíes 0.90 verb
iɾanies iraníes 0.75 noun
manikies maniquíes 0.64 noun
sauðies saudíes 0.52 adjective
É£ies guíes 0.50 verb
espies espíes 0.49 verb
pakistanies pakistaníes 0.38 noun
eskies esquíes 0.36 noun
somalies somalíes 0.35 noun
dezβies desvíes 0.34 verb
koliβɾies colibríes 0.31 verb
pakistanies paquistaníes 0.29 noun
desafies desafíes 0.26 verb
ies íes 0.25 noun
fɾies fríes 0.22 verb
lies líes 0.22 verb
marokies marroquíes 0.19 noun
resfɾies resfríes 0.19 verb
manaties manatíes 0.18 noun
beÅ‹É¡alies bengalíes 0.14 noun
sies síes 0.14 noun
pies píes 0.13 verb