Beta version

Words with s from Remijsen 2015 (Matbat) word initial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
sa sa12 0.00 sea water noun
saŋkaj sa1ŋka3y 0.00 eel noun
saw sa1w 0.00 light; bright; daytime attr
sam sa21m 0.00 sentence-final marker of ability
sat sa21t 0.00 to be afraid (of) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
sal sa41l 0.00 to be wrong verb (cl. ii)
sajde sa41yde 0.00 still marker
sajlo sa41ylo 0.00 outside locational adverb
sabaŋ saba21ŋ 0.00 (inal. si3ŋba21ŋ; si3mba21ŋ; si3nba21ŋ) tail noun
sabalo sabalo12 0.00 king bird of paradise noun
sabɔt sabɔ12t 0.00 (si3ŋbɔ12t; si3mbɔ12t; si3nbɔ12t) sweat noun
sabɔm sabɔ21m 0.00 (inal. si3ŋbɔ21m; si3mbɔ21m; si3nbɔ21m) back noun
sabɔm sabɔ21m 0.00 behind postposition
sabɛmta sabɛ121mta21 0.00 (inal. si3ŋbɛ121mta21; si3mbɛ121mta21; si3nbɛ21mta21) chest; breast noun
sabɛmta sabɛ121mta21 0.00 in front of postposition
sabɛn sabɛ1n 0.00 land turtle noun
sabɛt sabɛ3t 0.00 k.o. lizard noun
sabit sabi12t 0.00 to pierce verb (cl. ii; intr. & tr.)
sablɛw sablɛ12w 0.00 victim noun
sabom sabo21m 0.00 to welcome verb (cl. ii; tr.)
sabu sabu21 0.00 (inal. sabu12Ĺ‹; sabu12m; sabu12n) grandchild noun
sado sado21 0.00 no longer particle
sadu sadu21 0.00 to push slightly verb (cl. ii)
safa safa21 0.00 (inal. sa3Ĺ‹fa21; sa3mfa21; sa3nfa21) thigh; upper leg noun
saɡaw saga21w 0.00 (inal. si3ŋga21w; si3mga21w; si3nga21w) buttocks noun
saɡarow sagaro3w 0.00 until preposition
sakɔt sakɔ12t 0.00 locust noun
sakɔm sakɔ41m 0.00 sweet potato noun
sakew sake1w 0.00 Sugar Glider noun
sakola sako3la3 0.00 school noun
sakola sako3la3 0.00 to have a school education verb (cl. ii; intr.)
sakow sako41w 0.00 egret noun
saksa saksa12 0.00 difficult attr
sakuj saku1y 0.00 small lizard noun
sakup saku3p 0.00 short; low attr
salak sala121k 0.00 to be torn; to be in tatters verb (cl. ii; intr.)
salan sala41n 0.00 (also wa3n sala41n) carrying basket (wa3n); extended by means of pieces of tree bark noun
salɔn salɔ121n 0.00 nothing; zero number
salopɔn salo1pɔ3n 0.00 k.o. mollusc noun
samam sama12m 0.00 small lizard noun
samblulun samblu121lun 0.00 to prepare verb (tr.)
sameran same21ran 0.00 k.o. plant noun
samej same3y 0.00 widower noun
samim sami12m 0.00 to be destroyed or to destroy or both verb
samutɔt samu21tɔ3t 0.00 a few; some number
samjɔjpu samyɔ41ypu 0.00 ashes noun
sanaŋa sana1ŋa3 0.00 to fry; to be fried verb (cl. ii; tr. & middle)
sanapan sana1pa3n 0.00 gun noun
sanamdi sana3mdi 0.00 cheeck noun
sanɛt sanɛ1t 0.00 small green k.o. bird noun
sanɛm sanɛ3m 0.00 wasp noun
sanow sano1w 0.00 fly noun
sansun sansu3n 0.00 1. garment; clothes 2. shirt; upper-body clothing noun
saŋam saŋa41m 0.00 Amethystine python noun
saŋɛt saŋɛ41t 0.00 mud noun
sapat sapa121t 0.00 spider noun
sapan sapa12n 0.00 to go outside; to leave verb (cl. ii; intr.)
sapat sapa1t 0.00 shoe(s) noun
sapaj sapa1y 0.00 papaya noun
sapaw sapa21w 0.00 (inal. si3Ĺ‹pa21w; si3mpa21w; si3npa21w) belly; stomach noun
sapaw sapa3w 0.00 (optionally conjugated: inal. saŋpa3w; sampa3w; sanpa3w) satisfied re food or beverage verb
sapansi sapa41nsi 0.00 ashes noun
sape sape3 0.00 hat noun
sapɛŋ sapɛ21ŋ 0.00 (inal. si3ŋpɛ21ŋ; si3mpɛ21ŋ; si3npɛ21ŋ) penis noun
saplan sapla121n 0.00 uprooted verb (cl. ii; intr.)
sapuluj sapu41lu12y 0.00 round attr
sate sate21 0.00 1. piece 2. ga41n sate21 noun
satɛta satɛ121ta 0.00 forehead noun
sawi sawi12 0.00 southeast noun
sawsaw sawsa3w 0.00 wedding noun
sɔm sɔ12m 0.00 dirty attr
sɔn sɔ12n 0.00 low partition noun
sɔt sɔ12t 0.00 loose attr
sɔm sɔ3m 0.00 customs attr
se se1 0.00 broken (into pieces) verb (cl. ii; intr.)
se se121 0.00 1. drunken; drunk attr
setɛn se1tɛ3n 0.00 devil; satan noun
sɛ sɛ1 0.00 interjection
sɛw sɛ12w 0.00 1. to refuse 2. to be naughty verb (cl. ii; intr.)
sɛs sɛ21s 0.00 to unroll verb (cl. ii)
sɛŋ sɛ3ŋ 0.00 roof; roof covering noun
si si3 0.00 excrement noun
sini si3ni3 0.00 Chinese attr
si si41 0.00 to go down verb (cl. ii; tr.)
sipan si41pan 0.00 treesnake noun
so so1 0.00 sour attr
sol so1l 0.00 to break the soil verb (cl. ii; tr.)
surut su1ru3t 0.00 letter noun
su su21 0.00 1. to retreat; to move back; to dunk verb (cl. ii)
su su3 0.00 1. breast 2. breastmilk noun
suf su3f 0.00 vegetable noun
sukam su3ka1m 0.00 morning . noun
sum su3m 0.00 to grow verb (cl. ii)
sun su3n 0.00 clothes noun
sus su3s 0.00 dehydrated cow’s milk (powder) noun
susu su3su3 0.00 hard; difficult adverb
su su41 0.00 folded piece of bamboo used to handle sago porridge noun