Beta version

Words with ŋ from Remijsen 2015 (Matbat) word initial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
ŋa ŋa12 0.00 to cry verb (cl. ii; intr.)
ŋabin ŋa121bin 0.00 (inal. ŋa21ŋbin / ŋa21mbin/ ŋa21nbin) ear noun
ŋa ŋa21 0.00 (inal. ŋa3ŋ; ŋa3m; ŋa3n) voice noun
ŋal ŋa21l 0.00 1. branch noun
ŋat ŋa21t 0.00 1. flesh of one fruit; meat noun
ŋaj ŋa41y 0.00 sugar cane noun
ŋɔj ŋɔ12y 0.00 river noun
ŋin ŋi12n 0.00 level attr