Beta version

Words with f from Remijsen 2015 (Matbat) word initial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
fam fa12m 0.00 nuclear family or clan noun
fandun fa1ndu3n 0.00 to need; to want verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fa fa21 0.00 smell noun
fa fa21 0.00 (inal. fa3Ĺ‹; fa3m; fa3n) husband noun
fa fa21 0.00 to smell verb (cl. ii; intr.)
fan fa21n 0.00 to dry verb (cl. ii; tr. & middle)
faw fa21w 0.00 branches of palm tree noun
fan fa3n 0.00 clean attr
fas fa3s 0.00 rice noun
fa fa41 0.00 chalk . noun
fa fa41 0.00 ray noun
fabamak faba21mak 0.00 liar noun
fabebɛl fabe1bɛ3l 0.00 to heal; to treat (somebody) for an illness verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fadim fadi12m 0.00 k.o. breadfruit tree noun
faɡol fago12l 0.00 to shave verb (cl. ii)
fakasun fakasu3n 0.00 to give birth verb (cl. ii; intr.)
faketɛp fake1tɛ3p 0.00 scissors noun
faliw fali12w 0.00 to win verb (cl. ii; intr.)
famaj fama12y 0.00 to humiliate verb (cl. ii; tr.)
famat fama21t 0.00 to do one’s best; to make an effort verb (cl. ii; intr.)
famɔl famɔ21l 0.00 cause to be; to make verb (cl. ii)
faniw fani1w 0.00 k.o. tree noun
faŋɔt faŋɔ41t 0.00 thick attr
faraw fara21w 0.00 fast adverb
fasal fasa21l 0.00 to move verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fasaj fasa21y 0.00 other pronoun
fasɔj fasɔ12y 0.00 to rest verb
fasendi fase1ndi3 0.00 big attr
fasɛk fasɛ12k 0.00 to change verb (cl. ii)
fatan fata21n 0.00 to smell verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fatɛt fatɛ1t 0.00 sieve noun
fatop fato21p 0.00 to peek verb (cl. ii)
fatoj fato21y 0.00 female genitals noun
fatu fatu21 0.00 dizzy verb
fajaj faya12y 0.00 to taste verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fajan faya1n 0.00 mast /// check Engels noun
fajaw faya1w 0.00 to hunt (any animal; incl. fish; with whatever instrument) verb (cl. ii)
fajɛt fayɛ12t 0.00 fight noun
fajol fayo21l 0.00 1. to invite; to bring together; to collect; to come together verb (cl. ii)
faju fayu3 0.00 (inal. fa3Ĺ‹u3; fa3mu3; fa3nu3) wife noun
fɔn fɔ12n 0.00 to blow verb (cl. ii; intr.)
fɔŋ fɔ12ŋ 0.00 to buy verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fɔl fɔ21l 0.00 to have as taboo verb (cl. ii tr.)
fɔn fɔ21n 0.00 to whistle verb (cl. ii)
fɔn fɔ3n 0.00 full attr
fɔn fɔ3n 0.00 high-tide verb
fe fe1 0.00 hut noun
fejdi fe121ydi 0.00 1. a bird’s wing 2. eyelid noun
fe fe3 0.00 k.o. mat noun
fɛt fɛ12t 0.00 to be cut verb (cl. ii; intr.)
fɛt fɛ12t 0.00 broken verb (cl. ii; intr.)
fɛt fɛ12t 0.00 to cut (into pieces); to skin / to gut (meat; fish) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fɛn fɛ1n 0.00 to breastfeed verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fɛn fɛ3n 0.00 sea turtle noun
fi fi3 0.00 good; healthy; beautiful; handsome; good-natured attr
fi fi3 0.00 to feel like modality marker
fol fo121l 0.00 to stroke; to caress; to wipe verb (cl. ii tr.)
fow fo121w 0.00 to whistle verb (cl. ii)
fowdɔm fo21wdɔ3m 0.00 k.o. plant noun
foj fo41y 0.00 bow ( weapon) noun
fuj fu12y 0.00 to sweep verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fu fu21 0.00 to say verb (cl. ii; intr.)
fun fu3n 0.00 god noun
fufun fufun 0.00 ???