Beta version

Words with d from Remijsen 2015 (Matbat) word initial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
da da121 0.00 (also mda121; da121d) ripe attr
dan da12n 0.00 to peck (at) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
daɡam da1ga3m 0.00 See under ni12k
dampat da1mpa3t 0.00 nearby attr
daŋ da1ŋ 0.00 to wait verb (cl. ii; intr.)
dapur da1pu3r 0.00 kitchen noun
daj da1y 0.00 to draw verb (cl. ii)
da da21 0.00 to close verb
dam da21m 0.00 to answer verb (cl. ii)
dan da21n 0.00 leaf noun
daŋ da21ŋ 0.00 to search verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dan da3n 0.00 garden noun
da da41 0.00 to dig up; turn over; to prepare/process (sago) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
daŋ da41ŋ 0.00 to chase; to go after verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dadi dadi3 0.00 to hack; to cut verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dajip dayi3p 0.00 to be pouring down verb (cl. ii)
dɔl dɔ121l 0.00 to sink; to go under water verb (cl. ii)
dɔl dɔ12l 0.00 to fall verb (cl. ii; intr.)
dɔn dɔ12n 0.00 1. (cl. II) to take out of verb
dɔk dɔ1k 0.00 to boil verb (cl. ii; intr.)
dɔk dɔ21k 0.00 to pull verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dɔk dɔ3k 0.00 to untie; to undo; to take off (re. clothes) verb (cl. ii; refl./tr.)
dɔl dɔ3l 0.00 to fall verb (cl. ii; intr.)
de de121 0.00 to be in pain verb (intr.)
del de12l 0.00 thread noun
de de3 0.00 house; nest noun
de de41 0.00 the target is in the direct object position) 1. to throw (towards) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
delo de41lo 0.00 top noun
dɛl dɛ12l 0.00 friend noun
dɛrɛm dɛ21rɛm 0.00 every quant.
dɛk dɛ3k 0.00 landing stage noun
dɛl dɛ3l 0.00 with preposition
dɛn dɛ3n 0.00 to divide verb (cl. ii; tr.)
di di121 0.00 to build a separation (wall) noun
dim di121m 0.00 dark noun
dim di12m 0.00 to scrub; to mop ya21k di12m de3 lamo3l ‘I am scrubbing the (floors of) the house’ verb (cl. ii)
diŋ di12ŋ 0.00 to sew verb (tr.)
din di1n 0.00 to call (somebody) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
din di21n 0.00 to ask for (something) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dinɛk di21nɛk 0.00 to ask about (something) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
diŋ di3ŋ 0.00 to make a ‘ding’-like sound verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dirik di3ri3k 0.00 k.o. big mat noun
diw di3w 0.00 to move verb (cl. ii; intr.)
di di41 0.00 sound; noise noun
diha di41ha 0.00 one number
doj do1y 0.00 to cough verb (cl. ii; intr.)
do do21 0.00 1 marker
dono do41no 0.00 long ago adverb
dut du12t 0.00 mother noun
duŋ du1ŋ 0.00 to wait verb (cl. ii)
duk du21k 0.00 to be frightened; to to be scared; to be shocked verb (cl. ii; intr.)
duŋ du21ŋ 0.00 to pour out verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dup du21p 0.00 to spit out verb (cl. ii; tr.)
du du3 0.00 1. hard (antonym of soft) 2. physically straining attr
du du3 0.00 to push verb (cl. ii)
duku du3ku3 0.00 to mourn; to be sad due to the loss of a dear one verb (cl. ii)
dum du3m 0.00 to follow; to accompany; to go along with verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dut du3t 0.00 to hit verb (cl. ii)