Beta version

Words with b from Remijsen 2015 (Matbat) word initial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
ba ba 0.00 1. with preposition
ba ba1 0.00 to leave behind; to remain; to be left verb (cl. ii; intr.; tr.)
bap ba12p 0.00 father noun
baj ba12y 0.00 to hit noun
bak ba1k 0.00 tobacco noun
bam ba1m 0.00 k.o. mangrove tree noun
ban ba1n 0.00 oven to make sago biscuits noun
baŋ ba1ŋ 0.00 blind attr
baŋ ba1ŋ 0.00 dust; smoke noun
bap ba1p 0.00 to carry (e.g. a child or a baby) on one’s back verb (cl. ii; tr.)
bajlam ba1yla41m 0.00 small bat noun
ba ba21 0.00 to flow verb (cl. ii)
bam ba21m 0.00 (inal. ba12Å‹ / ba12m / ba12n) shoulder noun
ban ba21n 0.00 area of shadow; place offering protection from the sun noun
bata ba21ta 0.00 door noun
baw ba21w 0.00 male bud noun
baj ba21y 0.00 shaft noun
ba ba3 0.00 great-grandfather; great-grandmother noun
bak ba3k 0.00 man-made water reservoir noun
bal ba3l 0.00 ball noun
bam ba3m 0.00 to hit verb (cl. ii)
bam ba3m 0.00 to wash verb (cl. ii; tr.)
bat ba3t 0.00 earth; land; floor noun
ba ba41 0.00 to blow verb (cl. ii)
ba ba41 0.00 to hit the mark verb (cl.ii; tr. & middle)
baŋ ba41ŋ 0.00 1. to break; to break off verb (cl. ii; tr.)
baj ba41y 0.00 to pay verb (cl. ii)
bafi bafi3 0.00 to be careful verb (cl. ii)
bahe bahe3 0.00 all pronoun
balajar bala1ya3r 0.00 to learn verb (cl. ii; intr.)
balbuli balbu3li3 0.00 full; round only in na41 ~ full moon attr
balus balu3s 0.00 ring noun
bapap bapa3p 0.00 (absolute reference) clockwise orientation adverb
baplaj bapla12y 0.00 naked verb (cl. ii)
basas basa12s 0.00 to dance verb (cl. ii)
basat basa1t 0.00 to speak verb (cl. ii)
batan bata12n 0.00 Misol noun
batup batu3p 0.00 all pronoun
bawi bawi 0.00 to steal verb (cl. iii; tr.)
bawo bawo21 0.00 to run verb (cl. iii; intr.)
bajbat bay1ba3t 0.00 Brown Dorcopsis noun
bajaj baya1y 0.00 game; play noun
bajaj baya1y 0.00 to stroll ; to hang out; to play verb (cl. iii; tr.)
bajas bayas 0.00 to be expert at verb (cl. ii)
baje baye3 0.00 (absolute reference) counterclockwise orientation adverb
bɔm bɔ12m 0.00 k.o. arrow noun
bɔs bɔ12s 0.00 to be short of breath verb (cl. ii; intr.)
bɔŋ bɔ1ŋ 0.00 bat noun
bɔt bɔ21t 0.00 to meet verb (cl. iii; tr.)
bɔk bɔ3k 0.00 to come up; verb (cl. ii; intr.)
bɔn bɔ3n 0.00 debt noun
bɔt bɔ3t 0.00 to arrive at; to reach verb (cl. iii; intr.)
be be21 0.00 for preposition
be be21 0.00 to give verb (cl. iii; tr.)
bel be3l 0.00 to flash verb (cl. ii; intr.)
beta beta21 0.00 future tense marker
bɛnsin bɛ1nsi3n 0.00 gasoline noun
bɛm bɛ3m 0.00 plate noun
bɛŋ bɛ3ŋ 0.00 see under igɔ12l
bin bi12n 0.00 /// met de vingers knippen – duim en andere vinger verb (cl. ii)
biɡa bi3ga21 0.00 Biga place name
bimbɔmpu bi3mbɔ121mpu 0.00 butterfly noun
bin bi3n 0.00 to jump verb (cl. ii; intr.)
bintuni bintu3ni3 0.00 see under sawi12
bo bo21 0.00 to go verb (cl. iii)
bom bo21m 0.00 1. bone 2. central vein of leaf noun
bot bo3t 0.00 see under wa3Å‹ noun
bomam boma41m 0.00 to defecate; to poop verb (cl. iii)
bomi bomi1 0.00 to urinate; to pee verb (cl. iii)
bu bu121 0.00 k.o. tree noun
bu bu121 0.00 to embrace; to take hold of (somebody) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
bulut bu1lu3t 0.00 plate noun
but bu1t 0.00 k.o. breadfruit tree noun
buj bu1y 0.00 see under ha1n
bujbuj bu1ybu3y 0.00 mist of early morning noun
buk bu3k 0.00 book noun
bus bu3s 0.00 See under bu3
buj bu3y 0.00 cloth; sarong noun