Beta version

Words with tk from English word medial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
aʊtkʌm outcome 19.06
suːtkeɪs suitcase 6.08
aʊtkʌmz outcomes 4.51
suːtkeɪsɪz suitcases 1.32
ʃɔːtkʌmɪŋz shortcomings 0.87
əʊtkeɪks oatcakes 0.54
aʊtkɑːst outcast 0.47
nʌtkeɪs nutcase 0.46
pɔːtkʌlɪs portcullis 0.46
fɹuːtkeɪk fruitcake 0.44
stɹiːtkɑː streetcar 0.40