Beta version

Words with ts from English word medial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
aʊtsaɪd outside 209.45
ɪtsɛlf itself 105.21
piːtsə pizza 17.86
wɒtsəʊɛvə whatsoever 17.03
aʊtsaɪdə outsider 3.18
aʊtsɛt outset 2.67
piːtsəz pizzas 2.55
aʊtsaɪdəz outsiders 2.39
sætsuːmə satsuma 1.39
ɡʌtsɪ gutsy 1.26
mɛtsəniːn mezzanine 0.99
saɪtsiːɪŋ sightseeing 0.98
skɪtsəʊfɹiːnjə schizophrenia 0.68
pɪætsə piazza 0.63
skɪtsəʊfɹɛnɪk schizophrenic 0.52
mɛtsəʊ mezzo 0.39