Beta version

Words with eu from Cheke Holo word medial vowels

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
beuberu beuberu 0.00
bleublesu bleublesu 0.00
deudemu deudemu 0.00
ɡreuremu ḡreuremu 0.00
ɲheuɲheɣu gnheugnhegu 0.00
leuleɣu leulegu 0.00
peupehu peupehu 0.00
reuremu reuremu 0.00
teuɡre teuḡre 0.00
teuɡro teuḡro 0.00
teuɲe teugne 0.00
teuɲo teugno 0.00
teuna teuna 0.00
teura teura 0.00
teure teure 0.00
teutehu teutehu 0.00
theutehu theutehu 0.00