Beta version

Words with ta from English 25k (DISC English) consonant then vowel

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
taɪm time 2241.87
taɪmz times 285.87
taʊn town 172.24
staɪl style 95.85
taɪp type 84.88
taɪnɪ tiny 73.92
taɪtl̩ title 58.83
taɪt tight 54.05
ɪntaɪə entire 52.43
taɪəd tired 44.00
taɪ tie 38.09
ɪntaɪəlɪ entirely 35.68
taʊə tower 31.79
ɪntaɪtl̩d entitled 26.80
taɪps types 25.22
taɪɡə tiger 22.85
taʊnz towns 21.74
taɪd tied 21.71
taɪdɪ tidy 19.40
taɪmɪŋ timing 18.93
taɪd tide 17.90
taɪtænɪk titanic 12.94
taɪlz tiles 12.06
taɪɡəz tigers 10.62
taɪtl̩z titles 10.13
staɪlɪʃ stylish 9.43
taɪəz tyres 9.11
taɪz ties 8.67
taʊəz towers 8.23
staɪlz styles 7.70
taʊəl towel 7.35
taɪm thyme 6.75
taɪə tyre 6.72
taɪmteɪbl̩ timetable 5.81
taɪtə tighter 5.12
taɪtlɪ tightly 4.84
taɪdl̩ tidal 4.81
ɔːltaɪm all-time 4.27
taɪdz tides 3.87
taɪdɪɪŋ tidying 3.66
taɪl tile 3.62
taɪtn̩ tighten 3.58
taɪəɹɪŋ tiring 3.52
taɪmd timed 3.36
taɪts tights 3.15
taʊəlz towels 3.15
staɪn stein 2.82
taɪɪŋ tying 2.80
taɪtn̩ɪŋ tightening 2.69
taɪmə timer 2.49
taɪdɪd tidied 2.35
taɪlɪŋ tiling 2.33
taʊəɹɪŋ towering 2.31
taɪmlɪs timeless 2.21
taɪld tiled 2.10
əstaʊndɪŋ astounding 2.09
ɪntaɪtl̩mənt entitlement 2.08
taɪmlɪ timely 2.01
staʊt stout 1.89
ɪntaɪs entice 1.81
taɪnɪɪst tiniest 1.81
taɪtn̩d tightened 1.70
ʌntaɪdɪ untidy 1.63
taɪə tire 1.60
taɪpɹaɪtə typewriter 1.58
staɪld styled 1.55
taɪtl̩d titled 1.54
taɪkuːn tycoon 1.50
taɪəlɪslɪ tirelessly 1.48
taɪtən titan 1.48
taɪtɹəʊp tightrope 1.47
taɪpɪŋ typing 1.47
taɪmkənsjuːmɪŋ time-consuming 1.45
ɪntaɪəɹɛtɪ entirety 1.45
taɪtənz titans 1.42
taɪmɪŋz timings 1.35
ʌptaɪt uptight 1.31
taɪfuːn typhoon 1.31
taʊt tout 1.30
staɪlɪŋ styling 1.29
staɪlɪst stylist 1.29
taɪəɹənt tyrant 1.23
ʌptaʊn uptown 1.19
ɪntaɪs enticing 1.16
əstaʊndɪd astounded 1.15
taɪmpiːs timepiece 1.04
taɪpt typed 1.03
taɪdɪŋz tidings 1.02
taʊnʃɪp township 0.95
ətaɪə attire 0.92
taɪməz timers 0.87
taɪəlɪs tireless 0.80
taɪmteɪbl̩z timetables 0.78
taɪədnɪs tiredness 0.74
staɪflɪŋ stifling 0.69
taɪtɪst tightest 0.66
taɪəsəm tiresome 0.59
ɪntaɪtl̩mənts entitlements 0.54
ɛətaɪt airtight 0.54
ɪntaɪst enticed 0.50
staɪlɪstɪkəlɪ stylistically 0.50
taʊnʃɪps townships 0.50
ʌntaɪmlɪ untimely 0.50
taɪtn̩z tightens 0.49
taɪdɪə tidier 0.48
staɪfl̩ stifle 0.47
taɪfɔɪd typhoid 0.46
taɪəɹənts tyrants 0.46
staɪfl̩d stifled 0.43
taɪfuːnz typhoons 0.41
staɪ sty 0.40
staɪl stile 0.39