Beta version

Words with nn from EsPal Castillian Subtitles (EsPal phonemic diphthongal) word final consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
kinn quinn 13.96 noun
finn finn 8.54 noun
É¡lenn glenn 7.13 noun
linn lynn 6.59 noun
xoann johann 2.84 noun
dunn dunn 2.71 noun
penn penn 1.87 noun
eɾmann hermann 1.72 noun
mann mann 1.62 noun
st͡ʃumann schumann 0.81 noun
bonn bonn 0.58 noun
neumann neumann 0.48 noun
offmann hoffmann 0.36 noun
bekkmann beckmann 0.25 noun
sinn sinn 0.16 noun