Beta version

Words with ɾd from EsPal Castillian Subtitles (EsPal phonemic diphthongal) word final consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
robeɾd robert 51.24 noun
rit͡ʃaɾd richard 51.07 noun
loɾd lord 39.25 noun
obaɾd howard 34.53 noun
edbaɾd edward 25.99 noun
leonaɾd leonard 21.86 noun
albeɾd albert 20.12 noun
foɾd ford 16.00 noun
aɾbaɾd harvard 12.81 noun
beɾnaɾd bernard 11.65 noun
kuɾd kurt 10.59 noun
miloɾd milord 10.07 noun
rekoɾd récord 9.62 noun
stu̯aɾd stuart 9.53 noun
stebaɾd stewart 7.45 noun
xilbeɾd gilbert 6.79 noun
foɾd fort 6.69 noun
aɾd art 6.32 noun
moθaɾd mozart 5.90 noun
noɾd north 5.83 noun
kɾau̯foɾd crawford 5.45 noun
rekoɾd record 5.37 noun
osfoɾd oxford 5.16 noun
stamfoɾd stanford 4.85 noun
rupeɾd rupert 4.38 noun
ʝaɾd yard 3.89 noun
xeɾaɾd gerard 3.64 noun
eaɾd heart 3.50 noun
boldemoɾd voldemort 3.47 noun
lambeɾd lambert 3.24 noun
ubeɾd hubert 2.99 noun
neu̯poɾd newport 2.81 noun
kouɾd court 2.77 noun
poɾd port 2.52 noun
boɾd worth 2.34 noun
aɾd hard 2.19 noun
ʝoɡuɾd yogurt 2.15 noun
kliffoɾd clifford 2.10 noun
fɾankfuɾd frankfurt 2.10 noun
kuɾd curt 1.76 noun
eaɾd heard 1.58 noun
paɾd part 1.55 noun
boɾd word 1.51 adjective
komfoɾd confort 1.47 noun
aɾdfoɾd hartford 1.46 noun
soɾd short 1.46 noun
sepaɾd shephard 1.42 noun
ruteɾfoɾd rutherford 1.38 noun
deseɾd desert 1.19 noun
uɾd hurt 1.17 noun
edu̯aɾd eduard 1.17 noun
mainaɾd maynard 1.17 noun
boɡaɾd bogart 1.14 noun
st͡ʃubeɾd schubert 1.10 noun
aiboɾd hayworth 0.99 noun
beaufoɾd beaufort 0.99 noun
kolbeɾd colbert 0.95 noun
xiffoɾd gifford 0.88 noun
spoɾd sport 0.86 noun
znou̯boaɾd snowboard 0.81 noun
biɾd byrd 0.79 noun
renaɾd renard 0.72 noun
telfoɾd telford 0.68 noun
soɾd sort 0.62 noun
baʝaɾd bayard 0.62 noun
medfoɾd medford 0.60 noun
komfoɾd comfort 0.59 noun
redfoɾd redford 0.59 noun
studdɡaɾd stuttgart 0.59 noun
ɡodaɾd godard 0.56 noun
aɾkouɾd harcourt 0.53 noun
masteɾkaɾd mastercard 0.52 noun
beɾnaɾd bernhard 0.45 noun
radfoɾd radford 0.42 noun
ɡaspaɾd gaspard 0.39 noun
koɾd cort 0.37 noun
xeɾaɾd gerhard 0.35 noun
passboɾd password 0.32 noun
kaɾd kart 0.31 noun
rokefoɾd roquefort 0.27 noun
bosboɾd bosworth 0.27 noun
kamembeɾd camembert 0.27 noun
ki̯eɾkeɡaaɾd kierkegaard 0.25 noun
miʎaɾd millard 0.24 noun
xiskaɾd giscard 0.20 noun
baɾd barth 0.18 noun
axinɡkouɾd agincourt 0.17 noun
ebeɾd evert 0.17 noun
zbalbaɾd svalbard 0.16 noun
rikaɾd ricard 0.16 noun
betanɡkouɾd betancourt 0.14 noun
aleɾd alert 0.14 noun
soudpoɾd southport 0.14 noun