Beta version

Words with l from EsPal Castillian Subtitles (EsPal phonemic diphthongal) word final consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
el él 1991.50 pronoun
tal tal 731.08 adverb
mal mal 532.84 adverb
ku̯al cuál 306.08 pronoun
xeni̯al genial 282.39 adjective
iɡu̯al igual 235.07 adjective
difiθil difícil 227.04 adjective
final final 213.09 noun
faθil fácil 199.90 adjective
xeneɾal general 165.82 adjective
ku̯al cual 160.71 pronoun
espeθi̯al especial 152.22 adjective
mil mil 151.18 number
ospital hospital 150.24 noun
real real 143.98 adjective
kontɾol control 142.10 noun
mit͡ʃael michael 131.26 noun
otel hotel 117.35 noun
ofiθi̯al oficial 117.23 adjective
sal sal 111.78 verb
sol sol 111.60 noun
peɾsonal personal 111.52 adjective
noɾmal normal 107.07 adjective
koɾonel coronel 104.12 noun
seɲal señal 97.05 noun
papel papel 93.28 noun
kaɾθel cárcel 92.40 noun
paul paul 90.74 noun
aθul azul 72.78 adjective
imbeθil imbécil 70.80 adjective
nibel nivel 67.30 noun
pɾinθipal principal 63.19 adjective
pi̯el piel 62.74 noun
aɾbol árbol 53.96 noun
total total 49.93 adjective
animal animal 48.15 noun
naθi̯onal nacional 47.57 adjective
θentɾal central 46.77 adjective
natuɾal natural 43.42 adjective
pɾofesi̯onal profesional 43.25 adjective
anɡxel ángel 42.94 noun
pastel pastel 41.61 noun
inutil inútil 40.57 adjective
debil débil 40.35 adjective
lokal local 40.08 adjective
dani̯el daniel 39.25 noun
seɡsu̯al sexual 37.37 adjective
fiskal fiscal 37.30 noun
fudbol fútbol 36.40 noun
tɾibunal tribunal 35.86 noun
kɾiminal criminal 35.13 noun
mundi̯al mundial 34.97 adjective
alkool alcohol 34.49 noun
funeɾal funeral 33.78 noun
mateɾi̯al material 32.89 noun
leɡal legal 32.54 adjective
oɾixinal original 32.21 adjective
kanal canal 32.06 noun
soθi̯al social 31.95 adjective
util útil 31.85 adjective
pil phil 29.66 noun
kɾu̯el cruel 28.07 adjective
fedeɾal federal 27.83 adjective
mi̯el miel 27.53 noun
ileɡal ilegal 26.86 adjective
kɾistal cristal 24.42 noun
mental mental 24.16 adjective
komeɾθi̯al comercial 23.98 adjective
mobil móvil 23.89 noun
θibil civil 23.65 adjective
moɾtal mortal 23.00 adjective
moɾal moral 22.48 adjective
tunel túnel 22.06 noun
espaθi̯al espacial 21.66 adjective
metal metal 21.53 noun
aktu̯al actual 19.67 adjective
kaɾol carol 19.62 noun
espaɲol español 19.15 noun
inteɾnaθi̯onal internacional 18.57 adjective
θeɾebɾal cerebral 18.21 adjective
tempoɾal temporal 18.10 adjective
kapital capital 17.95 noun
ideal ideal 17.73 adjective
beizbol béisbol 17.70 noun
fatal fatal 17.40 adjective
alɡu̯aθil alguacil 17.07 noun
motel motel 16.85 noun
ku̯aɾtel cuartel 16.81 noun
fi̯el fiel 16.77 adjective
peɾfil perfil 16.48 noun
neil neil 16.18 noun
miɡel miguel 15.30 noun
musikal musical 15.04 adjective
anɡxel angel 14.67 noun
potenθi̯al potencial 14.48 noun
imfantil infantil 14.41 adjective
istoɾi̯al historial 14.34 noun
kondiθi̯onal condicional 14.16 adjective
poliθi̯al policial 13.85 adjective
leal leal 13.70 adjective
manu̯al manual 13.56 noun
emoθi̯onal emocional 13.45 adjective
estatal estatal 13.43 adjective
kaɾtel cartel 13.34 noun
festibal festival 13.18 noun
ɡlobal global 12.58 adjective
t͡ʃabal chaval 12.27 noun
espiɾitu̯al espiritual 12.27 adjective
ɡabɾi̯el gabriel 12.10 noun
bital vital 11.96 adjective
bisu̯al visual 11.88 adjective
kal cal 11.76 noun
inusu̯al inusual 11.69 adjective
noel noel 11.37 noun
abitu̯al habitual 11.29 adjective
izrael israel 10.95 noun
ritu̯al ritual 10.57 noun
komfidenθi̯al confidencial 10.53 adjective
samu̯el samuel 10.39 noun
omoseɡsu̯al homosexual 10.05 adjective
xoel joel 9.98 noun
xentil gentil 9.88 adjective
mel mel 9.82 noun
postal postal 9.76 noun
bɾasil brasil 9.56 noun
li̯onel lionel 9.42 noun
sentimental sentimental 9.38 adjective
sensaθi̯onal sensacional 9.34 adjective
esenθi̯al esencial 9.21 adjective
il il 9.15 adjective
poɾtal portal 9.03 noun
teɾminal terminal 9.02 noun
isabel isabel 9.01 noun
iniθi̯al inicial 8.77 adjective
xudiθi̯al judicial 8.68 adjective
automobil automóvil 8.45 noun
misil misil 8.41 noun
bɾutal brutal 8.34 adjective
tɾadiθi̯onal tradicional 8.34 adjective
impeɾi̯al imperial 8.32 noun
baul baúl 8.30 noun
akel aquél 8.27 pronoun
immoɾtal inmortal 8.23 adjective
kaɾdenal cardenal 8.20 noun
fenomenal fenomenal 8.15 adjective
okθidental occidental 8.07 adjective
fɾaxil frágil 7.93 adjective
ferokaril ferrocarril 7.87 noun
foɾmal formal 7.82 adjective
intelektu̯al intelectual 7.78 adjective
unibeɾsal universal 7.69 adjective
esθepθi̯onal excepcional 7.64 adjective
oɾi̯ental oriental 7.58 adjective
aɾtifiθi̯al artificial 7.56 adjective
ostil hostil 7.49 adjective
maɾiskal mariscal 7.42 noun
ribal rival 7.42 noun
baril barril 7.37 noun
imfi̯el infiel 7.05 adjective
kool cool 6.93 noun
anu̯al anual 6.92 adjective
industɾi̯al industrial 6.85 adjective
mit͡ʃel michel 6.84 noun
dixital digital 6.68 adjective
sutil sutil 6.65 adjective
abil hábil 6.61 adjective
ɡol gol 6.58 noun
manu̯el manuel 6.54 noun
poɾtatil portátil 6.51 adjective
letal letal 6.46 adjective
bal val 6.45 noun
supeɾfiθi̯al superficial 6.42 adjective
saul saul 6.41 noun
sensu̯al sensual 6.41 adjective
dokumental documental 6.26 noun
anoɾmal anormal 6.26 adjective
xil gil 6.24 noun
panel panel 6.20 noun
pɾesidenθi̯al presidencial 5.99 adjective
dental dental 5.93 adjective
konθexal concejal 5.88 noun
ɡail gail 5.83 noun
natal natal 5.83 adjective
bil vil 5.80 adjective
koɾpoɾal corporal 5.66 adjective
θelesti̯al celestial 5.63 adjective
fundamental fundamental 5.61 adjective
nabal naval 5.61 adjective
kultuɾal cultural 5.57 adjective
radikal radical 5.47 adjective
kɾuθi̯al crucial 5.43 adjective
xubenil juvenil 5.27 adjective
raθi̯onal racional 5.26 adjective
paɾθi̯al parcial 5.25 adjective
maɾθel marcel 5.22 noun
kaɾnabal carnaval 5.11 noun
imfeɾnal infernal 4.95 adjective
usu̯al usual 4.91 adjective
adiθi̯onal adicional 4.89 adjective
koktel cóctel 4.87 noun
buɾdel burdel 4.87 noun
neutɾal neutral 4.85 adjective
labi̯al labial 4.82 adjective
ɡɾi̯al grial 4.73 noun
rol rol 4.71 noun
katedɾal catedral 4.70 noun
laboɾal laboral 4.66 adjective
penal penal 4.65 adjective
aɾsenal arsenal 4.60 noun
oɾal oral 4.60 adjective
semental semental 4.54 noun
roʝal royal 4.49 noun
faθi̯al facial 4.48 adjective
fɾontal frontal 4.45 adjective
puntu̯al puntual 4.43 adjective
lateɾal lateral 4.43 adjective
maɾθi̯al marcial 4.41 adjective
abel abel 4.32 noun
etel ethel 4.31 noun
koral corral 4.29 noun
indibidu̯al individual 4.25 adjective
rafael rafael 4.20 noun
editoɾi̯al editorial 4.17 noun
aɾi̯el ariel 4.16 noun
θeɾeal cereal 4.15 noun
koɾal coral 4.14 noun
muniθipal municipal 4.12 adjective
mineɾal mineral 4.09 adjective
fusil fusil 4.08 noun
kombenθi̯onal convencional 4.07 adjective
bexetal vegetal 4.04 noun
kasu̯al casual 4.00 adjective
libeɾal liberal 3.95 adjective
akθidental accidental 3.94 adjective
espeɾimental experimental 3.91 adjective
iraθi̯onal irracional 3.90 adjective
faɾol farol 3.84 noun
fudbol futbol 3.82 noun
email email 3.72 noun
umbɾal umbral 3.70 noun
annibal hannibal 3.69 noun
lauɾel laurel 3.58 noun
abiɡail abigail 3.52 noun
konsul cónsul 3.52 noun
immoɾal inmoral 3.52 adjective
sobɾenatuɾal sobrenatural 3.51 adjective
inteɾpol interpol 3.50 noun
maɾmol mármol 3.49 noun
biɾtu̯al virtual 3.48 adjective
tɾibal tribal 3.44 adjective
kol col 3.43 noun
nati̯onal national 3.37 noun
rexi̯onal regional 3.35 adjective
tɾopikal tropical 3.35 adjective
matɾimoni̯al matrimonial 3.34 adjective
imfoɾmal informal 3.33 adjective
eteɾoseɡsu̯al heterosexual 3.30 adjective
pol pol 3.29 noun
nobel nobel 3.20 noun
karil carril 3.20 noun
espiɾal espiral 3.19 noun
paɲal pañal 3.19 noun
beɾtikal vertical 3.17 adjective
maɾsal marshal 3.15 noun
θeθil cecil 3.08 noun
aɾteɾi̯al arterial 3.07 adjective
montɾeal montreal 3.06 noun
seɾi̯al serial 3.03 adjective
raθi̯al racial 3.02 adjective
estudi̯antil estudiantil 2.98 adjective
daɾil daryl 2.98 noun
esti̯eɾkol estiércol 2.97 noun
teatɾal teatral 2.91 adjective
nupθi̯al nupcial 2.85 adjective
lil lil 2.85 noun
pɾobisi̯onal provisional 2.84 adjective
koloni̯al colonial 2.80 adjective
seul seúl 2.80 noun
soul soul 2.79 noun
esteɾil estéril 2.77 adjective
reθital recital 2.75 noun
eiffel eiffel 2.73 noun
emil emil 2.72 noun
maɾfil marfil 2.72 noun
abdominal abdominal 2.69 adjective
paskal pascal 2.66 noun
ireal irreal 2.64 adjective
anal anal 2.62 adjective
sukuɾsal sucursal 2.61 noun
aɡsel axel 2.61 noun
estambul estambul 2.60 noun
kaskabel cascabel 2.59 noun
mabel mabel 2.57 noun
libeɾpool liverpool 2.57 noun
semanal semanal 2.56 adjective
ambi̯ental ambiental 2.54 adjective
medi̯ebal medieval 2.53 adjective
puɲal puñal 2.52 noun
memoɾi̯al memorial 2.52 noun
kaɾnal carnal 2.51 adjective
delantal delantal 2.50 noun
elektoɾal electoral 2.49 adjective
raoul raoul 2.49 noun
mananti̯al manantial 2.45 noun
poɾtuɡal portugal 2.40 noun
mastil mástil 2.39 noun
immobil inmóvil 2.36 adjective
kual cúal 2.34 noun
espinal espinal 2.34 adjective
pɾoʝektil proyectil 2.33 noun
subofiθi̯al suboficial 2.32 noun
kolesteɾol colesterol 2.30 noun
aθel hazel 2.29 noun
koresponsal corresponsal 2.27 noun
tɾibi̯al trivial 2.27 adjective
muɾi̯el muriel 2.26 noun
renal renal 2.26 adjective
elemental elemental 2.25 adjective
rakel raquel 2.24 noun
kontinental continental 2.24 noun
impaɾθi̯al imparcial 2.23 adjective
raul raúl 2.21 noun
ɡubeɾnamental gubernamental 2.21 adjective
kaɾakol caracol 2.18 noun
korekθi̯onal correccional 2.14 noun
senil senil 2.14 adjective
t͡ʃanel chanel 2.14 noun
mensu̯al mensual 2.13 adjective
beɾbal verbal 2.13 adjective
xel gel 2.12 noun
bokal vocal 2.12 adjective
fidel fidel 2.09 noun
st͡ʃool school 2.09 noun
inɡkondiθi̯onal incondicional 2.08 adjective
feɾtil fértil 2.06 adjective
koɾdi̯al cordial 2.06 adjective
axil ágil 2.05 adjective
ruɾal rural 2.04 adjective
paɾanoɾmal paranormal 2.00 adjective
di̯esel diesel 1.99 noun
kolosal colosal 1.95 adjective
nasal nasal 1.95 adjective
inteɾestatal interestatal 1.95 adjective
maθel mazel 1.94 noun
beɾtebɾal vertebral 1.94 adjective
funθi̯onal funcional 1.93 adjective
neuɾal neural 1.92 adjective
kolateɾal colateral 1.91 adjective
patel patel 1.91 noun
mail mail 1.91 noun
beautiful beautiful 1.87 noun
aeɾosol aerosol 1.86 noun
alfil alfil 1.84 noun
mateɾnal maternal 1.83 adjective
inteɡɾal integral 1.82 adjective
doɾsal dorsal 1.82 adjective
mantel mantel 1.81 noun
subespaθi̯al subespacial 1.80 adjective
oɾiθontal horizontal 1.79 adjective
pool pool 1.78 noun
biɾal viral 1.77 adjective
residenθi̯al residencial 1.76 adjective
t͡ʃakal chacal 1.75 noun
pedestal pedestal 1.73 noun
pluɾal plural 1.72 noun
terenal terrenal 1.72 adjective
t͡ʃal chal 1.71 noun
estɾuktuɾal estructural 1.70 adjective
bol bol 1.69 noun
intenθi̯onal intencional 1.67 adjective
liteɾal literal 1.67 adjective
reptil reptil 1.67 noun
peɾxudiθi̯al perjudicial 1.66 adjective
erol errol 1.65 noun
kɾaneal craneal 1.64 adjective
tɾebol trébol 1.63 noun
karusel carrusel 1.62 noun
pɾimoɾdi̯al primordial 1.58 adjective
xouɾnal journal 1.58 noun
pedal pedal 1.57 noun
doθil dócil 1.57 adjective
pabel pavel 1.56 noun
okasi̯onal ocasional 1.52 adjective
pinθel pincel 1.52 noun
dubal duval 1.52 noun
empɾesaɾi̯al empresarial 1.50 adjective
intestinal intestinal 1.50 adjective
baxinal vaginal 1.50 adjective
ansel hansel 1.49 noun
difeɾenθi̯al diferencial 1.49 noun
estɾaofiθi̯al extraoficial 1.47 adjective
mikail mikhail 1.46 noun
t͡ʃannel channel 1.46 noun
ostal hostal 1.42 noun
monumental monumental 1.42 adjective
kɾistobal cristóbal 1.42 noun
albaɲil albañil 1.41 noun
radi̯al radial 1.41 adjective
bɾistol bristol 1.39 noun
matinal matinal 1.38 adjective
deal deal 1.37 noun
tel tel 1.37 noun
rapael raphael 1.36 noun
kanibal caníbal 1.36 noun
bukal bucal 1.35 adjective
pasi̯onal pasional 1.34 adjective
anθestɾal ancestral 1.34 adjective
eskimal esquimal 1.34 noun
obal oval 1.33 noun
konʝuɡal conyugal 1.33 adjective
fosil fósil 1.33 noun
pateɾnal paternal 1.32 adjective
biseɡsu̯al bisexual 1.31 adjective
apostol apóstol 1.30 noun
ɡɾabitaθi̯onal gravitacional 1.30 adjective
umbilikal umbilical 1.30 adjective
dezleal desleal 1.29 adjective
dineɾal dineral 1.29 noun
konstituθi̯onal constitucional 1.29 adjective
mediθinal medicinal 1.29 adjective
foɾestal forestal 1.28 adjective
biɾil viril 1.26 adjective
banal banal 1.24 adjective
residu̯al residual 1.24 adjective
koɾθel corcel 1.24 noun
seɾbiθi̯al servicial 1.24 adjective
sustanθi̯al sustancial 1.23 adjective
meɾil meryl 1.23 noun
muɾal mural 1.21 noun
aɾkanɡxel arcángel 1.21 noun
besti̯al bestial 1.20 adjective
bemol bemol 1.20 noun
θeɾemoni̯al ceremonial 1.20 adjective
bel bel 1.19 noun
boleibol voleibol 1.19 noun
dominikal dominical 1.19 adjective
saul saúl 1.19 noun
θiɾkunstanθi̯al circunstancial 1.17 adjective
oɾinal orinal 1.17 noun
tempeɾamental temperamental 1.17 adjective
opeɾaθi̯onal operacional 1.16 adjective
kaɾtel cártel 1.16 noun
papal papal 1.16 adjective
inauɡuɾal inaugural 1.15 adjective
kolexi̯al colegial 1.13 noun
ɡɾetel gretel 1.13 noun
estomakal estomacal 1.11 adjective
oɾmonal hormonal 1.11 adjective
femoɾal femoral 1.10 adjective
pɾenupθi̯al prenupcial 1.10 adjective
eθeki̯el ezequiel 1.08 noun
bidal vidal 1.07 noun
sindikal sindical 1.05 adjective
inteɾnati̯onal international 1.05 noun
ɡu̯adalkanal guadalcanal 1.05 noun
fetal fetal 1.04 adjective
panal panal 1.04 noun
tɾol trol 1.04 noun
astɾal astral 1.03 adjective
fɾateɾnal fraternal 1.03 adjective
testil textil 1.03 adjective
anibal aníbal 1.02 noun
bolatil volátil 1.01 adjective
antisoθi̯al antisocial 1.00 adjective
sandobal sandoval 1.00 noun
autokontɾol autocontrol 1.00 noun
kɾedenθi̯al credencial 0.99 noun
tɾanseɡsu̯al transexual 0.99 adjective
neuɾonal neuronal 0.98 adjective
imbeɾnal invernal 0.98 adjective
baal baal 0.97 noun
ɡɾupal grupal 0.97 adjective
bail vail 0.97 noun
faktoɾi̯al factorial 0.97 adjective
lineal lineal 0.97 adjective
sensoɾi̯al sensorial 0.96 adjective
oɾbital orbital 0.96 adjective
opθi̯onal opcional 0.96 adjective
disfunθi̯onal disfuncional 0.95 adjective
kabul kabul 0.94 noun
kontɾobeɾsi̯al controversial 0.94 adjective
monɡɡol mongol 0.94 noun
subnoɾmal subnormal 0.93 noun
baɾonil varonil 0.93 adjective
tɾidimensi̯onal tridimensional 0.92 adjective
emmanu̯el emmanuel 0.92 noun
nepal nepal 0.92 noun
raul raul 0.91 noun
instɾumental instrumental 0.90 noun
fili̯al filial 0.90 noun
dil dil 0.89 noun
fɾixol frijol 0.89 noun
xobi̯al jovial 0.88 adjective
sil sil 0.88 noun
baɾol warhol 0.88 noun
kostal costal 0.88 noun
teritoɾi̯al territorial 0.87 adjective
seɾbil servil 0.87 adjective
antinatuɾal antinatural 0.86 adjective
pɾimabeɾal primaveral 0.86 adjective
tɾi̯umfal triunfal 0.86 adjective
fekal fecal 0.86 adjective
maɾi̯el mariel 0.86 noun
multinaθi̯onal multinacional 0.85 noun
nobel nóbel 0.85 noun
timonel timonel 0.85 noun
epiduɾal epidural 0.84 adjective
ɡal gal 0.83 noun
pal pal 0.81 noun
di̯aɡonal diagonal 0.80 noun
oxal ojal 0.80 noun
nikel níquel 0.79 noun
peɾexil perejil 0.79 noun
sedal sedal 0.79 noun
θeɾbikal cervical 0.78 adjective
ɡlaθi̯al glacial 0.77 adjective
demenθi̯al demencial 0.77 adjective
rektal rectal 0.77 adjective
floɾal floral 0.77 adjective
naxel nagel 0.77 noun
ɡɾadu̯al gradual 0.75 adjective
maɾxinal marginal 0.75 adjective
kaɾmel carmel 0.75 noun
maɾisol marisol 0.75 noun
kapitol capitol 0.74 noun
impeɾsonal impersonal 0.74 adjective
aɾxel argel 0.73 noun
aɡu̯ami̯el aguamiel 0.73 noun
ri̯el riel 0.73 noun
tɾasθendental trascendental 0.73 adjective
t͡ʃantal chantal 0.73 noun
xiɾasol girasol 0.73 noun
supeɾnatuɾal supernatural 0.73 noun
teɾmal termal 0.73 adjective
di̯al dial 0.72 noun
koɾdel cordel 0.72 noun
θinθel cincel 0.70 noun
biɾxinal virginal 0.70 adjective
bondeɾful wonderful 0.70 noun
peɾθibal percival 0.69 noun
rel rel 0.69 noun
ɡospel gospel 0.69 noun
edukaθi̯onal educacional 0.67 adjective
espektɾal espectral 0.67 adjective
kut͡ʃitɾil cuchitril 0.67 noun
paul paúl 0.67 noun
klabel clavel 0.65 noun
anɡxelikal angelical 0.65 adjective
boθal bozal 0.65 noun
izmael ismael 0.65 noun
bi̯al vial 0.64 noun
medi̯oambi̯ental medioambiental 0.64 adjective
imbeɾosimil inverosímil 0.64 adjective
basuɾal basural 0.64 adjective
doinel doinel 0.63 noun
tonel tonel 0.63 noun
okθipital occipital 0.63 adjective
etanol etanol 0.63 noun
mendel mendel 0.63 noun
pɾedθel pretzel 0.63 noun
semifinal semifinal 0.63 noun
noɡal nogal 0.62 noun
abal aval 0.62 noun
kamel camel 0.61 noun
filosofal filosofal 0.61 noun
fantazmal fantasmal 0.61 adjective
eɡsistenθi̯al existencial 0.60 adjective
desiɡu̯al desigual 0.60 adjective
kaɾel karel 0.59 noun
maiθal maizal 0.59 noun
febɾil febril 0.59 adjective
unilateɾal unilateral 0.58 adjective
kabɾal cabral 0.57 noun
kabal cabal 0.57 adjective
kaɲabeɾal cañaveral 0.57 noun
falafel falafel 0.57 noun
model model 0.57 noun
pɾopoɾθi̯onal proporcional 0.57 adjective
bodebil vodevil 0.56 noun
koɾtikal cortical 0.56 adjective
pɾomoθi̯onal promocional 0.55 adjective
soleil soleil 0.55 noun
deskomunal descomunal 0.55 adjective
pɾobinθi̯al provincial 0.55 adjective
komunal comunal 0.55 adjective
ebentu̯al eventual 0.55 adjective
pɾenatal prenatal 0.55 adjective
pentotal pentotal 0.54 noun
beɾsatil versátil 0.54 adjective
feudal feudal 0.54 adjective
pɾematɾimoni̯al prematrimonial 0.53 adjective
rosal rosal 0.53 noun
aeɾoespaθi̯al aeroespacial 0.53 adjective
futil fútil 0.53 adjective
obeɾol overol 0.53 noun
mutu̯al mutual 0.52 noun
sel sel 0.52 noun
bisθeɾal visceral 0.52 adjective
blakkpool blackpool 0.52 noun
kaɾdinal cardinal 0.52 noun
esponenθi̯al exponencial 0.52 adjective
xenital genital 0.52 adjective
maɾital marital 0.52 adjective
baxel bagel 0.52 noun
redil redil 0.52 noun
maɾtel martel 0.51 noun
seneskal senescal 0.51 noun
stɾudel strudel 0.51 noun
ɡandul gandul 0.51 noun
matoral matorral 0.51 noun
intɾakɾaneal intracraneal 0.51 adjective
tɾimestɾal trimestral 0.50 adjective
beɾosimil verosímil 0.50 adjective
maxistɾal magistral 0.49 adjective
kel quel 0.49 noun
paɾi̯etal parietal 0.49 adjective
boɾeal boreal 0.48 adjective
ɡastɾointestinal gastrointestinal 0.48 adjective
nominal nominal 0.48 adjective
kaɾol karol 0.48 noun
babel babel 0.48 noun
okupaθi̯onal ocupacional 0.48 adjective
demeɾol demerol 0.47 noun
tɾanzbeɾsal transversal 0.47 adjective
otoɲal otoñal 0.47 adjective
emanu̯el emanuel 0.46 noun
neandeɾtal neandertal 0.46 noun
dimensi̯onal dimensional 0.46 adjective
peatonal peatonal 0.46 adjective
mixail mijail 0.46 noun
bilateɾal bilateral 0.46 adjective
pastoɾal pastoral 0.45 adjective
tɾail trail 0.45 noun
finanθi̯al financial 0.45 noun
eɾektil eréctil 0.44 adjective
kol kohl 0.44 noun
konθeptu̯al conceptual 0.43 adjective
meɾkantil mercantil 0.43 adjective
kaudal caudal 0.43 noun
dedal dedal 0.43 noun
iɾi̯el iriel 0.43 noun
mandɾil mandril 0.42 noun
menstɾu̯al menstrual 0.42 adjective
substanθi̯al substancial 0.42 adjective
deθimal decimal 0.42 adjective
kalil khalil 0.42 noun
instituθi̯onal institucional 0.41 adjective
amal amal 0.40 noun
buɲu̯el buñuel 0.40 noun
subnibel subnivel 0.40 noun
pu̯eɾil pueril 0.40 adjective
sinusal sinusal 0.40 adjective
pineal pineal 0.39 adjective
bokaθi̯onal vocacional 0.39 adjective
andel handel 0.39 noun
bakaθi̯onal vacacional 0.39 adjective
aroθal arrozal 0.38 noun
depaɾtamental departamental 0.38 adjective
spani̯el spaniel 0.38 noun
stil stil 0.38 noun
kɾisol crisol 0.38 noun
moral morral 0.38 noun
bedel bedel 0.38 noun
rabel ravel 0.38 noun
rimel rímel 0.38 noun
diɾekθi̯onal direccional 0.38 adjective
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distal distal 0.37 adjective
t͡ʃandal chándal 0.37 noun
mitɾal mitral 0.37 adjective
abedul abedul 0.36 noun
deskontɾol descontrol 0.36 noun
xoɾnal jornal 0.36 noun
seneɡal senegal 0.36 noun
tubal tubal 0.36 noun
meɾidi̯onal meridional 0.36 adjective
beθinal vecinal 0.36 adjective
eɾbal herbal 0.35 noun
ipeɾespaθi̯al hiperespacial 0.35 adjective
bilal bilal 0.35 noun
estɾasensoɾi̯al extrasensorial 0.35 adjective
paroki̯al parroquial 0.35 adjective
subliminal subliminal 0.35 adjective
torenθi̯al torrencial 0.35 adjective
dosel dosel 0.35 noun
metanol metanol 0.35 noun
neandeɾdal neanderthal 0.35 noun
episkopal episcopal 0.35 noun
xeθabel jezabel 0.35 noun
litoɾal litoral 0.35 noun
audi̯obisu̯al audiovisual 0.34 adjective
pɾobeɾbi̯al proverbial 0.34 adjective
tɾabel travel 0.34 noun
taktil táctil 0.34 adjective
notaɾi̯al notarial 0.34 adjective
salaɾi̯al salarial 0.34 adjective
soɾel sorel 0.34 noun
eku̯atoɾi̯al ecuatorial 0.34 noun
pɾemenstɾu̯al premenstrual 0.34 adjective
aɾtesanal artesanal 0.34 adjective
rixel rigel 0.33 noun
buɾsatil bursátil 0.33 adjective
inɡkonstituθi̯onal inconstitucional 0.33 adjective
mandel mandel 0.33 noun
bendabal vendaval 0.33 noun
abɾil avril 0.33 noun
pedeɾnal pedernal 0.33 noun
t͡ʃaɾol charol 0.33 noun
pasku̯al pascual 0.32 noun
betel betel 0.32 noun
puxil púgil 0.32 noun
foɾmol formol 0.32 noun
exel hegel 0.32 noun
immateɾi̯al inmaterial 0.32 adjective
pleuɾal pleural 0.31 adjective
sepulkɾal sepulcral 0.31 adjective
aseɡsu̯al asexual 0.31 adjective
kubil cubil 0.31 noun
sideɾal sideral 0.31 adjective
koloki̯al coloquial 0.30 adjective
du̯al dual 0.30 adjective
inteɾkontinental intercontinental 0.30 adjective
beil weil 0.30 noun
pɾefeɾenθi̯al preferencial 0.30 adjective
pɾobidenθi̯al providencial 0.30 adjective
fu̯el fuel 0.30 noun
ɡɾanel granel 0.30 adverb
puxol pujol 0.30 noun
uɾi̯el uriel 0.29 noun
nobel novel 0.29 noun
kobol cobol 0.29 noun
mentol mentol 0.29 noun
fokal focal 0.29 adjective
nal nal 0.29 adjective
pɾesenθi̯al presencial 0.29 adjective
retinal retinal 0.29 adjective
doktoɾal doctoral 0.28 adjective
pektoɾal pectoral 0.28 adjective
ʝel hiel 0.28 noun
kintal quintal 0.28 noun
plantel plantel 0.28 noun
fil fil 0.27 noun
alopeɾidol haloperidol 0.27 noun
fɾutal frutal 0.27 adjective
interaθi̯al interracial 0.27 adjective
tɾopel tropel 0.27 noun
bakteɾi̯al bacterial 0.26 adjective
inteɾkostal intercostal 0.26 adjective
kabeθal cabezal 0.26 noun
ismael ishmael 0.26 noun
xalil jalil 0.26 noun
piɾamidal piramidal 0.26 adjective
tɾanskontinental transcontinental 0.26 adjective
estibal estival 0.26 adjective
mistɾal mistral 0.26 noun
seɲoɾi̯al señorial 0.26 adjective
ʝael yael 0.26 noun
flubi̯al fluvial 0.26 adjective
tul tul 0.26 noun
sebastopol sebastopol 0.25 noun
konsul consul 0.25 noun
motibaθi̯onal motivacional 0.25 adjective
nadal nadal 0.25 noun
peɾimetɾal perimetral 0.25 adjective
st͡ʃlexel schlegel 0.25 noun
aɾal aral 0.24 noun
patɾi̯aɾkal patriarcal 0.24 adjective
eskiɾol esquirol 0.24 noun
ɡasoil gasoil 0.24 noun
kiɾil kiril 0.24 noun
maɾibel maribel 0.24 noun
mitokondɾi̯al mitocondrial 0.24 adjective
ramal ramal 0.24 noun
ansel ansel 0.24 noun
peɾal peral 0.24 noun
bentanal ventanal 0.24 noun
fenol fenol 0.24 noun
paɾental parental 0.24 adjective
balmoɾal balmoral 0.23 noun
kɾistobal cristobal 0.23 noun
insustanθi̯al insustancial 0.23 adjective
tamil tamil 0.23 noun
amoɾal amoral 0.23 adjective
xeɾenθi̯al gerencial 0.23 adjective
neonatal neonatal 0.23 adjective
ɡɾaθil grácil 0.23 adjective
toɾnasol tornasol 0.22 noun
baɾandal barandal 0.22 noun
fenobaɾbital fenobarbital 0.22 noun
idɾomi̯el hidromiel 0.22 noun
paɾaθetamol paracetamol 0.22 noun
tɾi̯al trial 0.22 noun
eskultuɾal escultural 0.22 adjective
peɾitoneal peritoneal 0.22 adjective
estaθi̯onal estacional 0.22 adjective
tɾiɡal trigal 0.22 noun
amaɾal amaral 0.21 noun
konsensu̯al consensual 0.21 adjective
kausal causal 0.21 adjective
inteɾdimensi̯onal interdimensional 0.21 adjective
xubal jubal 0.21 noun
madɾiɡal madrigal 0.21 noun
patɾol patrol 0.21 noun
puntal puntal 0.21 noun
arabal arrabal 0.21 noun
imfeɾtil infértil 0.21 adjective
patɾonal patronal 0.21 noun
tɾanznaθi̯onal transnacional 0.21 noun
abizmal abismal 0.20 adjective
distɾital distrital 0.20 adjective
oɾopel oropel 0.20 noun
timbal timbal 0.20 noun
xeneɾaθi̯onal generacional 0.20 adjective
ki̯el kiel 0.20 noun
metɾoseɡsu̯al metrosexual 0.20 adjective
tɾilateɾal trilateral 0.20 noun
bakanal bacanal 0.19 noun
rail rail 0.19 noun
semestɾal semestral 0.19 adjective
supɾarenal suprarrenal 0.19 adjective
naɾanɡxal naranjal 0.19 noun
atɾil atril 0.19 noun
kalil kalil 0.19 noun
multikultuɾal multicultural 0.19 adjective
biθekonsul vicecónsul 0.19 noun
atempoɾal atemporal 0.19 adjective
θiɡu̯eɲal cigüeñal 0.19 noun
finkel finkel 0.19 noun
fɾuɡal frugal 0.19 adjective
lodaθal lodazal 0.19 noun
naɾbal narval 0.19 noun
komputaθi̯onal computacional 0.18 adjective
bɾaki̯al braquial 0.18 adjective
kontɾaktu̯al contractual 0.18 adjective
koɾonal coronal 0.18 adjective
femenil femenil 0.18 adjective
mandil mandil 0.18 noun
pɾokonsul procónsul 0.18 noun
dukal ducal 0.18 noun
lemu̯el lemuel 0.18 noun
koɾtisol cortisol 0.17 noun
deznibel desnivel 0.17 noun
maɾsupi̯al marsupial 0.17 noun
austɾal austral 0.17 adjective
basal basal 0.17 adjective
fɾaktal fractal 0.17 adjective
tɾakeal traqueal 0.17 adjective
ministeɾi̯al ministerial 0.17 adjective
ranɡxel rangel 0.17 noun
bitɾal vitral 0.17 noun
t͡ʃaparal chaparral 0.17 noun
peteki̯al petequial 0.17 adjective
pɾoɡsimal proximal 0.17 adjective
rekɾeaθi̯onal recreacional 0.17 adjective
albuteɾol albuterol 0.16 noun
di̯esel diésel 0.16 noun
doɾal doral 0.16 noun
ɡɾamatikal gramatical 0.16 adjective
xuɾizdikθi̯onal jurisdiccional 0.16 adjective
maɾt͡ʃal marchal 0.16 noun
kaɾkamal carcamal 0.16 noun
imfinitesimal infinitesimal 0.16 adjective
nutɾiθi̯onal nutricional 0.16 adjective
opel opel 0.16 noun
oɾi̯ol oriol 0.16 noun
adɾenal adrenal 0.16 adjective
paɾasol parasol 0.16 noun
antibiɾal antiviral 0.16 noun
bet͡ʃamel bechamel 0.16 noun
mikel mikel 0.16 noun
seminal seminal 0.16 adjective
esθel excel 0.16 noun
badmobil batmóvil 0.15 noun
boil boil 0.15 noun
let͡ʃal lechal 0.15 noun
anabel anabel 0.15 noun
dol dol 0.15 noun
peɾiθi̯al pericial 0.15 adjective
aendel haendel 0.15 noun
mol mol 0.15 noun
moskatel moscatel 0.15 noun
bidimensi̯onal bidimensional 0.15 adjective
bɾonɡki̯al bronquial 0.15 adjective
ɡu̯al gual 0.15 adjective
ɡiɲol guiñol 0.15 noun
pɾefɾontal prefrontal 0.15 adjective
seku̯enθi̯al secuencial 0.15 adjective
anakel anaquel 0.14 noun
bɾeθal brezal 0.14 noun
eɾst͡ʃel herschel 0.14 noun
rail raíl 0.14 noun
baikal baikal 0.14 noun
θenaɡal cenagal 0.14 noun
koɾneal corneal 0.14 noun
mixail mijaíl 0.14 noun
komaɾkal comarcal 0.14 noun
axil agil 0.14 noun
kampal campal 0.14 adjective
intempoɾal intemporal 0.14 adjective
peɾθentil percentil 0.14 noun
θoɾθal zorzal 0.14 noun
ɡaɾdel gardel 0.14 noun
xestu̯al gestual 0.14 adjective
pɾudenθi̯al prudencial 0.14 adjective
rappel rappel 0.14 noun
kaɾbaxal carvajal 0.13 noun
ɡarafal garrafal 0.13 adjective
ɡoal goal 0.13 adjective
iʎel hillel 0.13 noun
znoɾkel snorkel 0.13 noun
tɾi̯estatal triestatal 0.13 adjective
adel adel 0.13 noun
mikol micol 0.13 noun
roibal roybal 0.13 noun
simil símil 0.13 noun
unipeɾsonal unipersonal 0.13 adjective
ami̯el amiel 0.13 noun
kloɾal cloral 0.13 noun
faidful faithful 0.13 noun
impuntu̯al impuntual 0.13 adjective
psikoseɡsu̯al psicosexual 0.13 adjective
sureal surreal 0.13 adjective
tiɾol tirol 0.13 noun
asoθi̯al asocial 0.13 adjective
eteɾnal eternal 0.13 adjective
abel havel 0.13 noun
inθidental incidental 0.13 adjective
saθeɾdotal sacerdotal 0.13 adjective
atɾi̯al atrial 0.13 noun
maxal majal 0.13 noun
pastiθal pastizal 0.13 noun
pɾimal primal 0.13 noun
kinɡkenal quinquenal 0.13 adjective
beɾxel vergel 0.13 noun
diktatoɾi̯al dictatorial 0.12 adjective
inteɾkɾaneal intercraneal 0.12 adjective
immemoɾi̯al inmemorial 0.12 adjective
retɾaktil retráctil 0.12 adjective
konduktu̯al conductual 0.12 adjective
ekal equal 0.12 adjective
unidiɾekθi̯onal unidireccional 0.12 adjective
al al 7673.22 adposition
abɾil abril 15.77 date
el el 18066.73 determiner
del del 7637.54 determiner
akel aquel 68.00 determiner