Beta version

Words with t͡ʃɾ from EsPal Castillian Subtitles (EsPal phonemic diphthongal) word initial consonants

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
t͡ʃɾis chris 48.20 noun
t͡ʃɾisti̯an christian 12.46 noun
t͡ʃɾistopeɾ christopher 10.74 noun
t͡ʃɾisti̯e christie 3.30 noun
t͡ʃɾizleɾ chrysler 1.17 noun
t͡ʃɾisdmas christmas 0.92 noun
t͡ʃɾisti christi 0.45 noun
t͡ʃɾisto christo 0.30 noun