Beta version

Words which make Initial SSP set equal to False for EsPal Castillian Subtitles (Spanish) (EsPal broad phonetic)

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
zrta srta 176.86 noun
steβe steve 52.61 noun
stanlei stanley 15.54 noun
steβen steven 15.00 noun
stepen stephen 14.89 noun
stone stone 12.35 noun
staɾ star 12.28 noun
steʎa stella 10.21 noun
steβaɾð stewart 7.45 noun
stepanje stephanie 6.99 noun
stop stop 6.54 noun
steβje stevie 6.52 noun
stefan stefan 6.50 noun
stamfoɾð stanford 4.85 noun
state state 4.66 noun
stalin stalin 4.33 noun
stanton stanton 4.10 noun
stiʎ still 3.30 adjective
steɾn stern 3.14 noun
steineɾ steiner 3.07 noun
stand stand 2.29 noun
status status 2.16 noun
stein stein 2.05 noun
stones stones 1.99 noun
stoɾi story 1.90 noun
staɾβukks starbucks 1.68 noun
staɾski starsky 1.64 noun
stokk stock 1.57 noun
stefano stefano 1.26 noun
stikk stick 1.14 noun
star starr 1.09 noun
stepan stephan 1.09 noun
stepens stephens 1.00 noun
staliŋɡɾaðo stalingrado 0.98 noun
standiŋɣ standing 0.79 noun
stiŋɣ sting 0.79 noun
staff staff 0.71 noun
stuððɣaɾð stuttgart 0.59 noun
staðjum stadium 0.51 noun
stai stai 0.46 noun
staʎone stallone 0.45 noun
staɾla starla 0.45 noun
stoɾe store 0.42 verb
stil stil 0.38 noun
staxe stage 0.38 noun
steffje steffie 0.32 noun
stiʎeɾ stiller 0.29 noun
stamp stamp 0.29 noun
steixeɾ steiger 0.28 noun
steaði steady 0.24 noun
stefanja stefania 0.20 noun
steffi steffi 0.19 noun
stands stands 0.19 noun
statu statu 0.17 noun
steimβekk steinbeck 0.15 noun
stakkato staccato 0.14 noun
rʝan ryan 39.16 noun
skoðð scott 36.29 noun
skuʎi scully 10.80 noun
skinneɾ skinner 4.92 noun
skaɾleðð scarlett 4.56 noun
skouð scout 3.80 noun
skotland scotland 3.40 noun
skip skip 2.83 noun
skouðs scouts 2.23 noun
skooteɾ scooter 1.88 noun
skaɾleð scarlet 1.58 noun
skeðt͡ʃ sketch 1.56 noun
skas squash 1.05 noun
skate skate 0.88 noun
skanneɾ scanner 0.66 noun
skineað skinhead 0.49 noun
skin skin 0.46 noun
skineaðs skinheads 0.43 noun
skala scala 0.42 noun
skoɾpjo scorpio 0.39 noun
skuð scud 0.37 noun
skeðt͡ʃes sketches 0.24 noun
skan scan 0.22 verb
skooð scoot 0.17 noun
skilaβ skylab 0.15 noun
stɾeeð street 16.72 noun
stɾike strike 4.68 noun
stɾauss strauss 2.82 noun
stɾippeɾ stripper 2.40 noun
stɾiptease striptease 2.31 noun
stɾess stress 1.63 noun
stɾip strip 1.48 noun
stɾeisand streisand 0.68 noun
stɾeep streep 0.55 noun
stɾuðel strudel 0.51 noun
stɾaβinski stravinsky 0.31 noun
stɾoɣoff strogoff 0.14 noun
spenθeɾ spencer 11.66 noun
spokk spock 8.41 noun
speeð speed 2.51 noun
spanis spanish 2.08 noun
spiðeɾman spiderman 2.02 noun
spaɣeðti spaghetti 1.60 noun
spoð spot 1.54 noun
speak speak 0.97 noun
spiθe spice 0.89 noun
spoɾðs sports 0.88 noun
spoɾð sport 0.86 noun
spuðnik sputnik 0.79 noun
speeði speedy 0.67 noun
spanjel spaniel 0.38 noun
sponsoɾ sponsor 0.38 noun
speŋɡleɾ spengler 0.35 noun
spokane spokane 0.31 noun
spi spy 0.27 noun
spain spain 0.26 noun
spariŋɣ sparring 0.25 noun
spektɾum spectrum 0.18 noun
spandau spandau 0.16 noun
spoileɾ spoiler 0.16 noun
sponsoɾs sponsors 0.16 noun
spoɾtiŋɣ sporting 0.14 noun
stwaɾð stuart 9.53 noun
wʝaðð wyatt 6.54 noun
wʝomiŋɣ wyoming 2.29 noun
st͡ʃmiðð schmidt 5.69 noun
mkkoi mccoy 4.19 noun
mkkinlei mckinley 1.51 noun
mkkaɾðnei mccartney 1.22 noun
mkkinnei mckinney 0.53 noun
spɾiŋɣs springs 3.92 noun
spɾiŋɣfjeld springfield 3.27 noun
spɾai spray 2.73 noun
spɾiŋɣ spring 1.34 noun
spɾiŋɣsteen springsteen 0.72 noun
spɾinð sprint 0.32 noun
spɾais sprays 0.16 noun
st͡ʃβaɾðθ schwartz 2.22 noun
st͡ʃβaɾθ schwarz 0.19 noun
st͡ʃneiðeɾ schneider 2.13 noun
st͡ʃnauθeɾ schnauzer 0.17 noun
st͡ʃool school 2.09 noun
st͡ʃulðθ schultz 1.82 noun
st͡ʃuβeɾð schubert 1.10 noun
st͡ʃumann schumann 0.81 noun
st͡ʃulθ schulz 0.44 noun
st͡ʃiʎiŋɣ schilling 0.33 noun
st͡ʃusteɾ schuster 0.28 noun
st͡ʃiffeɾ schiffer 0.23 noun
lʝon lyon 1.88 noun
lʝuβa lyuba 0.19 noun
skɾaββle scrabble 1.28 noun
skɾaðt͡ʃ scratch 0.42 noun
skɾipð script 0.31 noun
skɾeen screen 0.21 noun
st͡ʃɾoeðeɾ schroeder 1.12 noun
spjelβeɾɣ spielberg 0.79 noun
mɣðoβeʎ mcdowell 0.61 noun
mɣðonalds mcdonalds 0.42 noun
splið split 0.57 noun
fɾʝeɾ fryer 0.49 noun
pɾʝoɾ pryor 0.43 noun
wɾote wrote 0.37 noun
flʝeɾ flyer 0.32 noun
flʝeɾs flyers 0.18 noun
rβanda rwanda 0.28 noun
mkaɾðuɾ mcarthur 0.25 noun
mθenroe mcenroe 0.25 noun
st͡ʃlexel schlegel 0.25 noun
mʝammaɾ myanmar 0.22 noun
mdma mdma 0.19 noun