Beta version

Words which make Stop voicing parameter equal to True for Remijsen 2015 (Matbat) (Matbat)

Pronunciation Orthography Frequency Gloss Part of speech Other tags
adat a21da3t 0.00 customs attr
ba ba 0.00 1. with preposition
ba ba1 0.00 to leave behind; to remain; to be left verb (cl. ii; intr.; tr.)
bap ba12p 0.00 father noun
baj ba12y 0.00 to hit noun
bak ba1k 0.00 tobacco noun
bam ba1m 0.00 k.o. mangrove tree noun
ban ba1n 0.00 oven to make sago biscuits noun
baŋ ba1ŋ 0.00 blind attr
baŋ ba1ŋ 0.00 dust; smoke noun
bap ba1p 0.00 to carry (e.g. a child or a baby) on one’s back verb (cl. ii; tr.)
bajlam ba1yla41m 0.00 small bat noun
ba ba21 0.00 to flow verb (cl. ii)
bam ba21m 0.00 (inal. ba12Å‹ / ba12m / ba12n) shoulder noun
ban ba21n 0.00 area of shadow; place offering protection from the sun noun
bata ba21ta 0.00 door noun
baw ba21w 0.00 male bud noun
baj ba21y 0.00 shaft noun
ba ba3 0.00 great-grandfather; great-grandmother noun
bak ba3k 0.00 man-made water reservoir noun
bal ba3l 0.00 ball noun
bam ba3m 0.00 to hit verb (cl. ii)
bam ba3m 0.00 to wash verb (cl. ii; tr.)
bat ba3t 0.00 earth; land; floor noun
ba ba41 0.00 to blow verb (cl. ii)
ba ba41 0.00 to hit the mark verb (cl.ii; tr. & middle)
baŋ ba41ŋ 0.00 1. to break; to break off verb (cl. ii; tr.)
baj ba41y 0.00 to pay verb (cl. ii)
bafi bafi3 0.00 to be careful verb (cl. ii)
bahe bahe3 0.00 all pronoun
balajar bala1ya3r 0.00 to learn verb (cl. ii; intr.)
balbuli balbu3li3 0.00 full; round only in na41 ~ full moon attr
balus balu3s 0.00 ring noun
bapap bapa3p 0.00 (absolute reference) clockwise orientation adverb
baplaj bapla12y 0.00 naked verb (cl. ii)
basas basa12s 0.00 to dance verb (cl. ii)
basat basa1t 0.00 to speak verb (cl. ii)
batan bata12n 0.00 Misol noun
batup batu3p 0.00 all pronoun
bawi bawi 0.00 to steal verb (cl. iii; tr.)
bawo bawo21 0.00 to run verb (cl. iii; intr.)
bajbat bay1ba3t 0.00 Brown Dorcopsis noun
bajaj baya1y 0.00 game; play noun
bajaj baya1y 0.00 to stroll ; to hang out; to play verb (cl. iii; tr.)
bajas bayas 0.00 to be expert at verb (cl. ii)
baje baye3 0.00 (absolute reference) counterclockwise orientation adverb
bɔm bɔ12m 0.00 k.o. arrow noun
bɔs bɔ12s 0.00 to be short of breath verb (cl. ii; intr.)
bɔŋ bɔ1ŋ 0.00 bat noun
bɔt bɔ21t 0.00 to meet verb (cl. iii; tr.)
bɔk bɔ3k 0.00 to come up; verb (cl. ii; intr.)
bɔn bɔ3n 0.00 debt noun
bɔt bɔ3t 0.00 to arrive at; to reach verb (cl. iii; intr.)
be be21 0.00 for preposition
be be21 0.00 to give verb (cl. iii; tr.)
bel be3l 0.00 to flash verb (cl. ii; intr.)
beta beta21 0.00 future tense marker
bɛnsin bɛ1nsi3n 0.00 gasoline noun
bɛm bɛ3m 0.00 plate noun
bɛŋ bɛ3ŋ 0.00 see under igɔ12l
bin bi12n 0.00 /// met de vingers knippen – duim en andere vinger verb (cl. ii)
biɡa bi3ga21 0.00 Biga place name
bimbɔmpu bi3mbɔ121mpu 0.00 butterfly noun
bin bi3n 0.00 to jump verb (cl. ii; intr.)
bintuni bintu3ni3 0.00 see under sawi12
blaw bla12w 0.00 blue; green attr
blaj bla21y 0.00 to stir verb (cl. ii)
blaŋ bla3ŋ 0.00 soft attr
bla bla41 0.00 fast attr
bli bli121 0.00 fishing rod noun
blun blu12n 0.00 head hair noun
bo bo21 0.00 to go verb (cl. iii)
bom bo21m 0.00 1. bone 2. central vein of leaf noun
bot bo3t 0.00 see under wa3Å‹ noun
bomam boma41m 0.00 to defecate; to poop verb (cl. iii)
bomi bomi1 0.00 to urinate; to pee verb (cl. iii)
bu bu121 0.00 k.o. tree noun
bu bu121 0.00 to embrace; to take hold of (somebody) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
bulut bu1lu3t 0.00 plate noun
but bu1t 0.00 k.o. breadfruit tree noun
buj bu1y 0.00 see under ha1n
bujbuj bu1ybu3y 0.00 mist of early morning noun
buk bu3k 0.00 book noun
bus bu3s 0.00 See under bu3
buj bu3y 0.00 cloth; sarong noun
bjaj bya12y 0.00 stiff; cramped attr
da da121 0.00 (also mda121; da121d) ripe attr
dan da12n 0.00 to peck (at) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
daɡam da1ga3m 0.00 See under ni12k
dampat da1mpa3t 0.00 nearby attr
daŋ da1ŋ 0.00 to wait verb (cl. ii; intr.)
dapur da1pu3r 0.00 kitchen noun
daj da1y 0.00 to draw verb (cl. ii)
da da21 0.00 to close verb
dam da21m 0.00 to answer verb (cl. ii)
dan da21n 0.00 leaf noun
daŋ da21ŋ 0.00 to search verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dan da3n 0.00 garden noun
da da41 0.00 to dig up; turn over; to prepare/process (sago) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
daŋ da41ŋ 0.00 to chase; to go after verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dadi dadi3 0.00 to hack; to cut verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dajip dayi3p 0.00 to be pouring down verb (cl. ii)
dɔl dɔ121l 0.00 to sink; to go under water verb (cl. ii)
dɔl dɔ12l 0.00 to fall verb (cl. ii; intr.)
dɔn dɔ12n 0.00 1. (cl. II) to take out of verb
dɔk dɔ1k 0.00 to boil verb (cl. ii; intr.)
dɔk dɔ21k 0.00 to pull verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dɔk dɔ3k 0.00 to untie; to undo; to take off (re. clothes) verb (cl. ii; refl./tr.)
dɔl dɔ3l 0.00 to fall verb (cl. ii; intr.)
de de121 0.00 to be in pain verb (intr.)
del de12l 0.00 thread noun
de de3 0.00 house; nest noun
de de41 0.00 the target is in the direct object position) 1. to throw (towards) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
delo de41lo 0.00 top noun
dɛl dɛ12l 0.00 friend noun
dɛrɛm dɛ21rɛm 0.00 every quant.
dɛk dɛ3k 0.00 landing stage noun
dɛl dɛ3l 0.00 with preposition
dɛn dɛ3n 0.00 to divide verb (cl. ii; tr.)
di di121 0.00 to build a separation (wall) noun
dim di121m 0.00 dark noun
dim di12m 0.00 to scrub; to mop ya21k di12m de3 lamo3l ‘I am scrubbing the (floors of) the house’ verb (cl. ii)
diŋ di12ŋ 0.00 to sew verb (tr.)
din di1n 0.00 to call (somebody) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
din di21n 0.00 to ask for (something) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dinɛk di21nɛk 0.00 to ask about (something) verb (cl. ii; tr.)
diŋ di3ŋ 0.00 to make a ‘ding’-like sound verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dirik di3ri3k 0.00 k.o. big mat noun
diw di3w 0.00 to move verb (cl. ii; intr.)
di di41 0.00 sound; noise noun
diha di41ha 0.00 one number
doj do1y 0.00 to cough verb (cl. ii; intr.)
do do21 0.00 1 marker
dono do41no 0.00 long ago adverb
drɔm drɔ3m 0.00 large plastic barrel noun
dut du12t 0.00 mother noun
duŋ du1ŋ 0.00 to wait verb (cl. ii)
duk du21k 0.00 to be frightened; to to be scared; to be shocked verb (cl. ii; intr.)
duŋ du21ŋ 0.00 to pour out verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dup du21p 0.00 to spit out verb (cl. ii; tr.)
du du3 0.00 1. hard (antonym of soft) 2. physically straining attr
du du3 0.00 to push verb (cl. ii)
duku du3ku3 0.00 to mourn; to be sad due to the loss of a dear one verb (cl. ii)
dum du3m 0.00 to follow; to accompany; to go along with verb (cl. ii; tr.)
dut du3t 0.00 to hit verb (cl. ii)
fandun fa1ndu3n 0.00 to need; to want verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fabamak faba21mak 0.00 liar noun
fabebɛl fabe1bɛ3l 0.00 to heal; to treat (somebody) for an illness verb (cl. ii; tr.)
fadim fadi12m 0.00 k.o. breadfruit tree noun
faɡol fago12l 0.00 to shave verb (cl. ii)
fasendi fase1ndi3 0.00 big attr
fejdi fe121ydi 0.00 1. a bird’s wing 2. eyelid noun
fowdɔm fo21wdɔ3m 0.00 k.o. plant noun
É¡aw ga1w 0.00 hole; opening; cave noun
É¡a ga21 0.00 then conjunction
É¡al ga21l 0.00 (inal. ga21la3Å‹; ga21la3m; ga21la3n) jaw; mouth noun
ɡaŋ ga21ŋ 0.00 1. place noun
É¡aris ga21ri3s 0.00 match noun
É¡ambar ga3mba3r 0.00 to paint verb (cl. ii)
ɡaŋ ga3ŋ 0.00 field noun
É¡an ga41n 0.00 bamboo noun
ɡaɡol gago3l 0.00 1. unripe 2. non-prototypical realization of a color attr
É¡alas gala12s 0.00 glass noun
É¡aloju galo1yu3 0.00 to be greedy verb (cl. ii; intr.)
ɡaŋɡɛŋ gaŋgɛ3ŋ 0.00 illness noun
É¡arin gari12n 0.00 durian noun
É¡ata gata3 0.00 small bowl noun
É¡e ge12 0.00 to peel verb (cl. ii; tr.)
É¡ej ge1y 0.00 earthworm noun
ɡɛŋ gɛ12ŋ 0.00 ill verb (cl. ii; intr./tr.)
ɡɛl gɛ21l 0.00 fruit noun
ɡɛt gɛ3t 0.00 salty attr
É¡im gi21m 0.00 to send verb (cl. ii; tr.)
É¡ol go12l 0.00 to shave verb (cl. ii; refl.)
É¡ol go1l 0.00 sugar noun
É¡opi gopi3 0.00 bellybutton noun
É¡un gu1n 0.00 arrowhead made from iron noun
ɡuntiŋ gu3nti3ŋ 0.00 scissors noun
habar haba12r 0.00 news; message noun
hado hado 0.00 marker
hɔbɔt hɔ41bɔ1t 0.00 see under ho21bɔ3t
hɛldi hɛ3ldi21 0.00 wall noun
ibaŋ iba121ŋ 0.00 1. Cuscus noun
iblit ibli121t 0.00 k.o. mollusc noun
iboj ibo1y 0.00 k.o. mollusc noun
iɡaŋ iga3ŋ 0.00 swamp noun
iɡat iga3t 0.00 k.o. ant noun
iɡɔl igɔ12l 0.00 common scrubfowl noun
iɡej ige1y 0.00 earthworm noun
ikebej ikebe1y 0.00 k.o. mollusc noun
kabɔŋ kabɔ1ŋ 0.00 bat noun
kabit kabi12t 0.00 black; dark-colored attr
kadu kadu12 0.00 wave noun
landar landar 0.00 fishing net noun
lɔŋbot lɔ3ŋbo3t 0.00 longboat noun
lolbo lo3lbo12 0.00 king bird of paradise noun
mabaj maba21y 0.00 (inal. mɔ3ŋbay; mɔ3mbay; mɔ3nbay) nose 2. ~ bu3s pig noun
maɡej mage1y 0.00 Magey noun
mobu mobu3 0.00 k.o. mollusc noun
nabimpo na41bi21mpo 0.00 Marbled Frogmouth and/or Papuan Frogmouth noun
njaɡi nya1gi3 0.00 debt noun
Å‹abin Å‹a121bin 0.00 (inal. Å‹a21Å‹bin / Å‹a21mbin/ Å‹a21nbin) ear noun
pundak pu3nda3k 0.00 pandanus tree noun
sajde sa41yde 0.00 still marker
sabaŋ saba21ŋ 0.00 (inal. si3ŋba21ŋ; si3mba21ŋ; si3nba21ŋ) tail noun
sabalo sabalo12 0.00 king bird of paradise noun
sabɔt sabɔ12t 0.00 (si3ŋbɔ12t; si3mbɔ12t; si3nbɔ12t) sweat noun
sabɔm sabɔ21m 0.00 (inal. si3ŋbɔ21m; si3mbɔ21m; si3nbɔ21m) back noun
sabɔm sabɔ21m 0.00 behind postposition
sabɛmta sabɛ121mta21 0.00 (inal. si3ŋbɛ121mta21; si3mbɛ121mta21; si3nbɛ21mta21) chest; breast noun
sabɛmta sabɛ121mta21 0.00 in front of postposition
sabɛn sabɛ1n 0.00 land turtle noun
sabɛt sabɛ3t 0.00 k.o. lizard noun
sabit sabi12t 0.00 to pierce verb (cl. ii; intr. & tr.)
sablɛw sablɛ12w 0.00 victim noun
sabom sabo21m 0.00 to welcome verb (cl. ii; tr.)
sabu sabu21 0.00 (inal. sabu12Å‹; sabu12m; sabu12n) grandchild noun
sado sado21 0.00 no longer particle
sadu sadu21 0.00 to push slightly verb (cl. ii)
saɡaw saga21w 0.00 (inal. si3ŋga21w; si3mga21w; si3nga21w) buttocks noun
saɡarow sagaro3w 0.00 until preposition
samblulun samblu121lun 0.00 to prepare verb (tr.)
sanamdi sana3mdi 0.00 cheeck noun
tabok tabo1k 0.00 dull; not sharp attr
wɛldi wɛ21ldi 0.00 in su3 wɛ21ldi ‘nipple’ noun
wukdi wu21kdi 0.00 neck noun
jabat ya1ba3t 0.00 in di121m ya1ba3t ‘pitch-dark’ attr