Beta version
Word lists

English 25k (English)

English 25k (English)
Baayen, R Harald, Richard Piepenbrock, and H van Rijn (1993). CELEX. URL: http://celex.mpi.nlTranscription
Heuven, Walter JB van et al. (2014). “SUBTLEX-UK: A new and improved word frequency database for British English”. In: The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 67.6, pp. 1176–1190.Frequency
This word list has 25000 words. |<   <<   >>   >|
#   $   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   @   b   d   D   E   f   g   h   i   I   j   J   k   l   m   n   p   Q   q   r   S   s   t   T   u   U   v   V   w   z   Z   _   {  
Orthographic form Word as uploaded Frequency per million corpus words Gloss Part of speech Custom tags
horseshoes h$SSuz 0.42
hawthorn h$T$n 1.09
horticulture h$tIkVlJ@R 1.27
horticultural h$tIkVlJ@r@l 2.13
whores h$z 0.55
hay h1 11.37
hey h1 267.64
heyday h1d1 3.66
hake h1k 1.09
hale h1l 1.34
hail h1l 4.71
halo h1l5 1.48
hailed h1ld 1.91
hails h1lz 0.47
heinous h1n@s 0.70
halfpenny h1pnI 2.32
hasten h1sH 0.68
haste h1st 1.70
hasty h1stI 1.73
hastily h1stIlI 0.67
haystack h1st{k 1.30
hate h1t 65.32
hateful h1tfUl 0.51
hated h1tId 13.20
hating h1tIN 1.81
hatred h1trId 4.45
hates h1ts 8.24
haven h1vH 7.66
havens h1vHz 1.02
haze h1z 1.45
hazy h1zI 1.81
hazel h1zP 8.30
hi h2 191.27
high h2 337.49
hiatus h21t@s 0.46
hired h2@d 9.20
higher h2@R 81.90
hire h2@R 10.86
hierarchy h2@r#kI 2.76
hierarchical h2@r#kIkP 0.40
hieroglyph h2@r5glIf 0.76
hiring h2@rIN 3.17
hyacinth h2@sInT 0.51
hibernation h2b3n1SH 1.11
hibernate h2b@n1t 1.03
hibernating h2b@n1tIN 0.54
highbrow h2br6 0.67
hybrid h2brId 2.33
hybrids h2brIdz 0.55
hide h2d 45.76
hiding h2dIN 27.29
hydraulic h2dr$lIk 1.08
hydrated h2dr1tId 0.41
hydra h2dr@ 0.84
hydrogen h2dr@_@n 5.55
hides h2dz 2.98
hide-and-seek h2d{ndsik 1.07
hyphenated h2f@n1tId 0.63
hyena h2in@ 1.59
hyenas h2in@z 1.50
highest h2Ist 47.80
hike h2k 3.94
hiking h2kIN 1.47
high-class h2kl#s 0.83
hikes h2ks 0.81
highlight h2l2t 11.25
highlighted h2l2tId 5.31
highlighting h2l2tIN 1.74
highlights h2l2ts 11.57
highland h2l@nd 7.53
highlander h2l@nd@R 0.47
highlanders h2l@nd@z 1.23
highlands h2l@ndz 8.47
high-level h2lEvP 1.14
highly h2lI 37.73
hind h2nd 2.32
hindsight h2nds2t 3.41
hinds h2ndz 0.60
highness h2nIs 3.56
hypothermia h2p5T3m7 1.32
hypothetically h2p5TEtIk@lI 0.44
hypothetical h2p5TEtIkP 1.35
high-powered h2p6@d 0.67
hypothesis h2pQTIsIs 0.80
high-pressure h2prES@R 0.96
high-rise h2r2z 0.83
high-speed h2spid 6.15
height h2t 28.88
heightened h2tHd 1.72
heights h2ts 9.00
hive h2v 3.16
hives h2vz 1.21
highway h2w1 6.20
highwayman h2w1m@n 0.43
highways h2w1z 2.69
highs h2z 6.60
hygiene h2_in 3.73
hygienic h2_inIk 0.76
hijack h2_{k 0.68
hijacking h2_{kIN 0.54
hijacked h2_{kt 1.56
herb h3b 5.81
herbaceous h3b1S@s 1.24
herbal h3bP 1.45
herbs h3bz 10.47
heard h3d 231.48
herd h3d 10.65
herded h3dId 0.52
herding h3dIN 1.33
hurdler h3dl@R 0.92
hurdle h3dP 6.38
hurdling h3dPIN 0.59
hurdles h3dPz 5.89
herds h3dz 2.32
hurl h3l 0.74
hurled h3ld 0.78
hurling h3lIN 1.21
hermit h3mIt 1.00
hernia h3nj@ 0.84
herpes h3piz 0.43
her h3R 1763.22
hearse h3s 0.81
herself h3sElf 49.50
hurt h3t 66.26
hurtful h3tfUl 1.03
hurting h3tIN 10.09
hurtling h3tPIN 0.98
hertz h3ts 0.51
hurts h3ts 12.99
hers h3z 8.27
hoist h4st 1.14
hoisted h4stId 0.54
ho h5 53.71
hoe h5 0.89
hobo h5b5 0.62
hoax h5ks 1.64
whole h5l 350.96
hole h5l 57.79
hold h5ld 211.10
holed h5ld 1.30
holder h5ld@R 9.98
holders h5ld@z 4.88
holding h5ldIN 57.64
holdings h5ldINz 1.06
holds h5ldz 18.99
holy h5lI 23.66
holiest h5lIIst 0.52
holiness h5lInIs 0.94
wholly h5llI 3.27
wholemeal h5lmil 1.21
wholesale h5ls1l 3.64
wholesaler h5ls1l@R 0.44
wholesome h5ls@m 1.31
holes h5lz 25.08
home h5m 727.00
homo h5m5 2.08
homer h5m@R 1.87
homed h5md 0.79
homing h5mIN 1.33
homecoming h5mkVmIN 1.94
homely h5mlI 3.17
homeless h5mlIs 12.32
homelessness h5mlIsnIs 2.08
homeland h5ml{nd 2.90
homemade h5mm1d 2.58
homesick h5msIk 1.28
homestead h5mstEd 0.79
hometown h5mt6n 1.63
homework h5mw3k 12.27
homeward h5mw@d 0.63
homes h5mz 67.43
hone h5n 0.86
honed h5nd 1.27
honing h5nIN 0.46
hope h5p 366.21
hopeful h5pfUl 9.25
hopefully h5pfUlI 123.21
hopefuls h5pfUlz 2.32
hoping h5pIN 118.51
hopeless h5plIs 6.13
hopelessly h5plIslI 1.22
hopes h5ps 37.86
hoped h5pt 26.34
host h5st 24.84
hosted h5stId 4.67
hosting h5stIN 4.71
hostess h5stIs 1.52
hosts h5sts 6.58
hotel h5tEl 57.68
hotelier h5tElI1 0.40
hotels h5tElz 8.26
hove h5v 2.16
hose h5z 3.56
hoses h5zIz 0.52
hosepipe h5zp2p 1.78
hosanna h5z{n@ 0.66
how h6 2155.32
howdy h6dI 1.54
however h6Ev@R 79.30
howl h6l 1.91
howler h6l@R 1.04
howlers h6l@z 0.50
howling h6lIN 2.20
howls h6lz 0.59
hound h6nd 4.46
hounded h6ndId 0.60
hounds h6ndz 1.60
housebound h6sb6nd 0.39
household h6sh5ld 19.78
householder h6sh5ld@R 0.68
householders h6sh5ld@z 1.11
households h6sh5ldz 7.46
housekeeper h6skip@R 1.79
housekeeping h6skipIN 0.90
housemaid h6sm1d 0.47
housewife h6sw2f 2.89
housewives h6sw2vz 1.33
housework h6sw3k 1.62
house h6z 671.95
housed h6zd 3.03
housing h6zIN 50.89
houses h6zIz 76.21
hereby h7b2 1.17
here h7R 2825.89
hear h7R 273.64
hero h7r5 33.67
heroes h7r5z 17.43
hearing h7rIN 44.48
hearings h7rINz 1.43
hearsay h7s1 0.47
hears h7z 5.61
hairbrush h8brVS 0.68
hairdresser h8drEs@R 4.64
hairdressers h8drEs@z 1.85
hairdressing h8drEsIN 1.54
hairdo h8du 1.16
haircut h8kVt 5.36
haircuts h8kVts 0.90
hairline h8l2n 1.12
hairpin h8pIn 0.78
hare h8R 9.65
hair h8R 106.51
hairy h8rI 11.08
hairstyle h8st2l 1.81
hairstyles h8st2lz 0.57
hares h8z 1.62
hairs h8z 5.43
hello h@l5 402.27
hallucinations h@lusIn1SHz 0.54
hallucinating h@lusIn1tIN 0.48
horizon h@r2zH 9.21
horizons h@r2zHz 1.56
head hEd 407.18
headache hEd1k 6.84
headaches hEd1ks 2.36
heather hED@R 20.36
header hEd@R 8.16
headers hEd@z 0.49
headband hEdb{nd 1.06
headdress hEddrEs 0.52
headphones hEdf5nz 3.50
headgear hEdg7R 0.62
heady hEdI 1.80
headed hEdId 22.06
heading hEdIN 60.24
headquarters hEdkw$t@z 10.99
headline hEdl2n 9.31
headlining hEdl2nIN 0.55
headlines hEdl2nz 26.29
headlights hEdl2ts 1.33
headland hEdl@nd 1.15
headless hEdlIs 1.09
headlong hEdlQN 0.59
headmaster hEdm#st@R 4.12
headmistress hEdmIstrIs 0.99
head-on hEdQn 1.70
headroom hEdrUm 0.43
headstone hEdst5n 0.75
headway hEdw1 1.09
headwind hEdw2nd 0.68
heads hEdz 53.26
hefty hEftI 4.15
heck hEk 6.61
heckling hEklIN 0.73
heckle hEkP 0.60
heckled hEkPd 0.68
hexagon hEks@g@n 0.42
hexagonal hEks{g@nP 0.45
hectares hEkt8z 0.97
hector hEkt@R 5.41
hectic hEktIk 2.95
hell hEl 76.96
held hEld 75.94
helicopter hElIkQpt@R 23.78
helicopters hElIkQpt@z 7.08
hellish hElIS 0.66
helm hElm 2.39
helmet hElmIt 11.91
helmets hElmIts 2.87
help hElp 559.28
helper hElp@R 1.66
helpers hElp@z 3.61
helpful hElpfUl 16.15
helpfully hElpfUlI 0.58
helping hElpIN 70.44
helpless hElplIs 3.07
helps hElps 41.05
helped hElpt 65.42
health hElT 138.03
healthier hElT7R 3.59
healthy hElTI 43.05
healthiest hElTIIst 0.59
healthily hElTIlI 0.73
hem hEm 2.27
haemorrhage hEm@rI_ 1.18
hemmed hEmd 0.46
hemming hEmIN 0.55
hemisphere hEmIsf7R 3.57
hemp hEmp 0.41
hen hEn 9.05
henchmen hEnJm@n 0.45
hence hEns 8.97
hens hEnz 3.25
hep hEp 0.54
hepatitis hEp@t2tIs 0.85
heroin hEr5In 5.94
heroine hEr5In 1.94
heroines hEr5Inz 0.48
heroism hEr5Iz@m 1.18
herald hEr@ld 2.97
heralded hEr@ldId 0.98
heraldry hEr@ldrI 0.47
heralds hEr@ldz 0.42
heron hEr@n 1.77
herons hEr@nz 0.97
heresy hEr@sI 0.64
heretic hEr@tIk 0.39
herring hErIN 5.53
herrings hErINz 0.75
heritage hErItI_ 22.36
heterosexual hEt@r5sEkS9l 0.93
heavier hEv7R 6.99
heaven hEvH 39.99
heavenly hEvHlI 3.69
heavens hEvHz 7.64
heavy hEvI 79.71
heavy-handed hEvIh{ndId 0.62
heaviest hEvIIst 3.20
heavily hEvIlI 16.46
heavyweight hEvIw1t 3.67
heavyweights hEvIw1ts 0.66
hesitation hEzIt1SH 3.54
hesitate hEzIt1t 3.05
hesitated hEzIt1tId 1.62
hesitating hEzIt1tIN 0.44
hesitant hEzIt@nt 1.59
hedge hE_ 9.05
hedgehog hE_hQg 5.27
hedgehogs hE_hQgz 2.80
hedging hE_IN 0.96
hedges hE_Iz 3.07
hedgerow hE_r5 0.78
hedgerows hE_r5z 1.42
ahem hF 7.46
he hi 6633.39
heed hid 1.75
hid hId 5.05
hideous hId7s 4.75
hideously hId7slI 0.51
hither hID@R 0.66
hitherto hID@tu 0.51
hidden hIdH 36.80
hitch hIJ 2.93
hitchhiker hIJh2k@R 0.43
hitchhikers hIJh2k@z 0.44
hitching hIJIN 0.58
hitched hIJt 1.21
hickory hIk@rI 0.40
hicks hIks 1.48
hiccup hIkVp 1.92
hiccups hIkVps 2.90
heal hil 5.59
hill hIl 51.51
heel hil 6.41
helium hil7m 2.75
hilarious hIl8r7s 7.02
healer hil@R 0.76
hillbilly hIlbIlI 0.51
heeled hild 1.10
healed hild 2.37
hilly hIlI 0.73
healing hilIN 5.87
hillside hIls2d 3.33
hillsides hIls2dz 0.71
hilt hIlt 0.69
heels hilz 10.50
hills hIlz 25.80
heals hilz 0.59
hymn hIm 5.09
him hIm 1544.34
haemoglobin him5gl5bIn 0.41
himself hImsElf 155.16
hymns hImz 3.21
hindered hInd@d 0.46
hinder hInd@R 0.77
hindrance hIndr@ns 0.81
hint hInt 8.89
hinterland hInt@l{nd 0.44
hinted hIntId 1.40
hinting hIntIN 0.70
hints hInts 2.78
hinge hIn_ 1.81
hinged hIn_d 1.16
hinges hIn_Iz 2.27
heap hip 4.94
hip hIp 23.49
hippo hIp5 3.79
hypocritical hIp5krItIkP 1.10
hippos hIp5z 2.25
hypocrite hIp@krIt 0.93
hippopotamus hIp@pQt@m@s 1.00
hippie hIpI 0.56
hippies hIpIz 1.12
hypnosis hIpn5sIs 0.64
hypnotist hIpn@tIst 0.48
hypnotic hIpnQtIk 0.83
hypocrisy hIpQkr@sI 2.17
heaps hips 1.94
hips hIps 6.41
heaped hipt 0.75
heroic hIr5Ik 5.04
hereditary hIrEdIt@rI 1.76
hiss hIs 1.20
hissing hIsIN 0.92
historian hIst$r7n 9.33
historians hIst$r7nz 2.99
hysteria hIst7r7 1.28
history hIst@rI 176.83
histories hIst@rIz 3.12
hysterical hIstErIkP 2.63
historic hIstQrIk 22.35
historically hIstQrIk@lI 5.99
historical hIstQrIkP 15.09
hit hIt 203.85
heat hit 58.25
heath hiT 9.22
heater hit@R 1.67
heaters hit@z 0.87
heated hitId 6.87
heating hitIN 18.67
hitting hItIN 22.77
hits hIts 26.24
heats hits 4.72
heatwave hitw1v 0.94
heave hiv 2.12
heaving hivIN 1.41
his hIz 2496.17
hue hju 1.20
hewer hju@R 0.45
hubris hjubrIs 0.44
humane hjum1n 1.35
humanely hjum1nlI 0.41
human hjum@n 116.21
humanist hjum@nIst 0.45
humankind hjum@nk2nd 0.83
humanly hjum@nlI 0.46
humans hjum@nz 18.44
humour hjum@R 15.51
humorous hjum@r@s 1.65
humid hjumId 2.32
humidity hjumId@tI 1.85
humility hjumIl@tI 1.89
humiliation hjumIlI1SH 3.07
humiliate hjumIlI1t 1.16
humiliated hjumIlI1tId 2.54
humiliating hjumIlI1tIN 3.05
humanity hjum{n@tI 7.54
humanitarian hjum{nIt8r7n 5.55
hewn hjun 0.44
huge hju_ 209.92
hugely hju_lI 17.99
hob hQb 1.94
hobby hQbI 7.44
hobbies hQbIz 4.14
hog hQg 2.97
hogging hQgIN 0.47
hogs hQgz 0.96
hock hQk 1.41
hockey hQkI 5.83
hollow hQl5 5.13
holiday hQl@d1 87.82
holidaying hQl@d1IN 0.73
holidays hQl@d1z 19.52
holidaymakers hQl@dIm1k@z 2.63
holocaust hQl@k$st 2.29
holland hQl@nd 10.58
holler hQl@R 0.64
holly hQlI 17.32
homosexual hQm5sEkS9l 2.21
homosexuals hQm5sEkS9lz 1.05
homosexuality hQm5sEkSU{l@tI 2.79
homicide hQmIs2d 1.17
homage hQmI_ 2.60
honk hQNk 3.85
honky hQNkI 0.85
honking hQNkIN 1.08
honks hQNks 0.67
hop hQp 20.26
hopper hQp@R 2.17
hoppers hQp@z 0.56
hopping hQpIN 3.84
hops hQps 2.18
hopped hQpt 1.06
horribly hQr@blI 3.97
horrible hQr@bP 42.94
horror hQr@R 14.42
horoscope hQr@sk5p 0.46
horrors hQr@z 3.02
horrendous hQrEnd@s 8.28
horrendously hQrEnd@slI 0.42
horrid hQrId 2.52
horrified hQrIf2d 4.70
horrifying hQrIf2IN 1.55
horrific hQrIfIk 7.76
horizontally hQrIzQnt@lI 0.69
horizontal hQrIzQntP 2.65
hospice hQspIs 3.46
hospices hQspIsIz 0.61
hospitable hQspIt@bP 0.43
hospital hQspItP 120.71
hospitals hQspItPz 21.03
hospitality hQspIt{l@tI 3.73
hostile hQst2l 5.76
hostility hQstIl@tI 1.99
hostilities hQstIl@tIz 0.60
hostage hQstI_ 3.26
hostages hQstI_Iz 1.53
hostel hQstP 3.08
hostels hQstPz 0.83
hot hQt 139.56
hotter hQt@R 5.15
hotbed hQtbEd 0.70
hottest hQtIst 4.80
hotly hQtlI 0.93
hotpot hQtpQt 0.99
hovercraft hQv@kr#ft 0.94
hover hQv@R 1.68
hovering hQv@rIN 2.78
who hu 2102.19
hood hUd 9.01
hooded hUdId 0.80
hoods hUdz 0.80
whoever huEv@R 33.40
hoof huf 2.86
hook hUk 16.20
hooker hUk@R 2.89
hookers hUk@z 0.59
hooking hUkIN 0.61
hooks hUks 2.55
hooked hUkt 5.62
hula hul@ 1.83
hooligan hulIg@n 0.47
hooligans hulIg@nz 0.75
whom hum 25.37
hoop hup 3.91
hoops hups 2.89
hurrah hUr# 2.93
hurray hUr1 3.15
hooray hUr1 13.02
hoot hut 11.09
hooter hut@R 1.32
hoover huv@R 3.49
hoovering huv@rIN 0.85
hooves huvz 3.04
whose huz 75.76
huh hV 73.91
hub hVb 5.06
hubby hVbI 0.71
hubs hVbz 0.53
huddle hVdP 1.07
huddled hVdPd 0.92
huff hVf 1.19
huffing hVfIN 0.46
hug hVg 13.52
hugged hVgd 1.02
hugging hVgIN 2.65
hugs hVgz 1.77
hutch hVJ 1.66
hull hVl 17.30
hullabaloo hVl@b@lu 0.96
hulk hVlk 1.38
hum hVm 3.07
humbling hVmblIN 1.23
humble hVmbP 10.46
humbled hVmbPd 1.03
humbug hVmbVg 0.65
humming hVmIN 1.83
hummingbird hVmINb3d 0.79
hump hVmp 5.22
humpback hVmpb{k 0.98
humpbacks hVmpb{ks 0.39
humping hVmpIN 0.40
humps hVmps 0.81
hums hVmz 0.86
hung hVN 18.86
hundred hVndr@d 30.03
hundreds hVndr@dz 69.42
hundredth hVndr@tT 0.71
hunger hVNg@R 5.86
hungry hVNgrI 35.52
honey hVnI 39.62
honeycomb hVnIk5m 1.81
honeymoon hVnImun 7.76
honeysuckle hVnIsVkP 0.41
hunch hVnJ 3.10
hunchback hVnJb{k 0.52
hunched hVnJt 0.41
hunk hVNk 1.16
hunks hVNks 0.39
hunt hVnt 48.86
hunter hVnt@R 15.19
hunters hVnt@z 15.38
hunted hVntId 3.45
hunting hVntIN 36.50
hunts hVnts 2.13
huntsman hVntsm@n 0.55
hurry hVrI 33.69
hurried hVrId 0.99
hurrying hVrIIN 0.51
hurricane hVrIk@n 6.37
hurricanes hVrIk@nz 1.08
hush hVS 3.96
husk hVsk 0.42
husky hVskI 0.77
huskies hVskIz 0.47
hustle hVsP 3.47
hustler hVsP@R 1.25
hustlers hVsP@z 3.62
hushed hVSt 0.58
hustings hVstINz 0.90
hut hVt 6.62
huts hVts 2.07
husband hVzb@nd 88.10
husbandry hVzb@ndrI 0.53
husbands hVzb@ndz 4.41
habit h{bIt 10.91
habitation h{bIt1SH 0.60
habitable h{bIt@bP 1.13
habits h{bIts 6.19
habitat h{bIt{t 10.51
habitats h{bIt{ts 3.22
had h{d 2348.67
haddock h{d@k 4.09
haphazard h{f{z@d 0.46
hag h{g 0.71
haggard h{g@d 0.39
haggis h{gIs 3.76
haggling h{glIN 2.55
haggle h{gP 2.65
hatch h{J 7.09
hatchery h{J@rI 0.62
hatchback h{Jb{k 0.63
hatching h{JIN 1.31
hatchet h{JIt 0.47
hatches h{JIz 1.01
hatched h{Jt 3.03
hack h{k 3.12
hacking h{kIN 12.98
hackney h{knI 3.58
hacks h{ks 0.70
hacked h{kt 4.56
hallowed h{l5d 1.21
halibut h{lIb@t 1.62
hallelujah h{lIluj@ 6.68
ham h{m 22.43
hammered h{m@d 3.83
hammock h{m@k 1.34
hammocks h{m@ks 0.42
hammer h{m@R 45.62
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